Example sentences of "[be] [that] it [vb past] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Irish Times quoted Craig as claiming that a reason for banning the march had been that it posed a threat to the United States military base in Derry :
2 Up to this point the only political significance of racism had been that it provided a divided work force for employers .
3 A disadvantage of team teaching , of course , has been that it required the teacher , normally an individualistic person accustomed to complete authority within the four walls of his classroom , to sink his authority and his subject speciality within a group .
4 The only possible explanation of this radiation , which corresponds to a temperature of about 3K ( 3 C° above the absolute zero of cold ) , seemed to be that it represented the residual energy left over from the Big Bang .
5 Subjective reports on the effects of reduced sleep were that it produced a chronic feeling of sleepiness ( as measured by the Stanford Sleepiness Scale questionnaire ) , and , perhaps not surprisingly , increased the feeling of needing more sleep .
6 The crucial weaknesses of the South Korean army on the eve of the Korean War were that it lacked the range and quality of the equipment possessed by the North Korean forces and that the leadership of the North Korean army was inspired by a fanaticism unequalled by those fighting for Syngman Rhee .
7 Its fundamental differences to the original Illustrator product were that it simplified the user interface both by the introduction of a freehand tool and the classification of anchor points into line , corner and curve types while simultaneously introducing the benefits of colour .
8 While agreeing with this description of Hoccleve 's illness as of psychotic severity , our own evaluation is that it had a more depressive quality , many of the symptoms described by Hoccleve meeting the modern criteria for serious depression .
9 One interpretation of the intermittent energy which Joseph Sturge put into the free produce movement in the 1840s is that it constituted an attempt by a Friend who had launched out into public and even political life to maintain links with more traditionally quietist brethren who none the less looked for greater perfection in the world .
10 But perhaps the precise reasons for its origin and the timing of its confirmation are not so important ; of greater significance is that it became a key precedent during the ensuing century for those who wished to restrict the outflow of money from the English church to the church universal and in particular to the Roman Curia ; its appeal to the interests of patrons whose intentions were thwarted or impaired by impositions on the houses so that ‘ infinite loss and disinheritance are like to ensue to the founders of the said houses and their heirs ’ was to reappear in the later statute of Provisors .
11 The cute remark about the Irish tour is that it lasted a week too long .
12 The significance of My Lai is that it threatened the American national myth — that of moral superiority .
13 One of the distinctive things about modern Darwinism is that it exploded the myth of group selection .
14 Its lack of significance is that it made no real difference to the political situation , except for putting the burgh of Edinburgh through a rapid change of councils and giving it the burden of housing the army of the Congregation .
15 An additional advantage of this method of presentation is that it made the situation less realistic for subjects .
16 A SURPRISING aspect of the first British performance of Sofia Gubaidulina 's Violin Concerto , subtitled Offertorium , is that it provoked the odd walk-out in Birmingham Town Hall .
17 A SURPRISING aspect of the first British performance of Sofia Gubaidulina 's Violin Concerto , subtitled Offertorium , is that it provoked the odd walk-out from one or two places in Birmingham Town Hall .
18 The answer is that it saw the way the wind was blowing and instead of desperately tripping its users up as they tried to move to open systems , it embraced them wholeheartedly , giving users the option of either staying on the slow track with an MPE V operating system that over time would converge with Unix , or taking the fast track and jumping across to the HP 9000 .
19 The short answer is that it connoted a radical alternative to the state , an image of statelessness which was a partial , nostalgic and polemical distillation of history .
20 It 's the sort of fruitless post-mortem that bridge-players do but the point of the incident is that it showed the extent to which Hunt 's temper could affect his judgement , for in motor racing , as Nigel Mansell was to find out a decade later , to lose one 's cool harms only oneself .
21 And the net result of all of these things together is that it narrowed the cost value differentials between U K and overseas holidays .
22 What emerges from an examination of the FFYP is that it set a pattern for the Soviet economy that persists up to the present day .
23 The main importance of the change of practice in 1966 is that it allowed the Law Lords to accept an innovatory role and to avoid the practice of ‘ Dissimulation ’ .
24 The best that can be said of his success on that occasion is that it postponed the period of uncertainty that a split in the party would bring .
25 Another possible explanation for the embrace of self-effacement is that it created the opportunity for exercising power without accepting responsibility .
26 All we can say for sure is that it entered the microscope , perhaps on one side , perhaps on the other , perhaps in the middle .
27 All he did know at this moment was that it seemed a shame a girl such as Maggie here , with brains , because she was no fool , and a talent such as she had , should be encased in a body that held no appeal .
28 Film was nothing in itself but what had confirmed its worthlessness was that it seemed the exclusive property of a class of showmen who were direct descendants of the old fairground showmen .
29 The flaw in counsel 's argument was that it ignored the fact that the jury were required to consider the case against each accused separately .
30 The rationale of the putting-out system was that it enabled the merchant capitalist to draw on only as much labour as he needed at any given condition of the market .
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