Example sentences of "[be] [not/n't] look [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 And it is my responsibility to make sure the players concentrate over the entire 90 minutes and are not looking towards the next match .
2 The assessors explain that they are not looking for the best ; ‘ that 'd be hopeless .
3 On the other hand , we certainly are not looking for the bland , but rather for the anodyne which is also intriguing and interesting and has a sense of positive enthusiasm . ’
4 You 're not looking at the stream , you 're looking at the bloody quality and you ca n't stop yourself doing it . ’
5 So you 're not looking at the answer .
6 When you study a play as part of an English Literature course , you 're not looking at the staging of it ; you 're not looking at how it works when it stands up .
7 You 're doing it wrong if you 're not looking at the person that you 're trying to persuade .
8 And so it would not be right to say that we 're not looking after the local element of the population .
9 I 'm not looking for the exotic in my photographs .
10 I 'm not looking for the exotic in my photographs .
11 I think I must be not looking at the list or not reading half the stuff .
12 And Tory arguments that the tax would make companies uncompetitive were not looking at the whole picture .
13 You were n't looking for the cat , you were looking
14 So I suppose whatever area you went into , erm you might find it a bit frustrating to start with , because you were n't looking at the big picture .
15 We were n't looking at the time .
16 If the person claiming is not looking after the estate , the Social Fund Officer will write to the person who is , at the same time as a payment is made .
17 My hon. Friend said that the county council 's not looking after the elderly properly was a reflection of the will of Labour councillors .
18 One can therefore presume that he was not looking at the landscape as scenery but as habitat .
19 Miss Harker was n't looking at the board .
20 Confounded by this reply , Oscar looked across at the other man to see that he was n't looking at the stars at all , but was still busying himself with the body .
21 I was n't looking at the negative
22 ’ I was n't looking at the driver , ’ I said .
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