Example sentences of "[be] [to-vb] from [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Sadly , Arthur Hellyer is also no longer with us , he died last week at the age of 90 ; two of his titles are to appear from Hamlyn in March : The Hellyer Pocket Guide ( £4.99 ) and The Hellyer Gardening Encyclopedia ( £14.99 , 0 600 57645 0 ) .
2 ‘ T is a rare pity thar ai n't no Brownies now in t' dale to do good turns to housewives , with all t' jobs there are to do from morn till night . ’
3 If you want to buy expensive goods , the best advice must be to buy from stores in Britain ( because here , your complaint is with the retailer , not the manufacturer ) and to campaign for EC consumer protection laws .
4 EC steel tariffs are to drop from 5% in 1992 to zero in 1997 .
5 But I can remember once when I was at the school Mrs was our music teacher and we were to go from doh to far , you know doh to far , and they used to s , she used to say listen to Mabel , Mabel 's the only one one of you that can go from doh to far .
6 The Heartbreakers were to fall from grace with violent rapidity towards the end of 1977 , only to re-emerge as cult heroes in 1984 .
7 If we were to move from standstill to cutbacks , we would expect to see further changes in behaviour .
8 In Raymond Aron 's words , ‘ The essence of capitalist exchange is to proceed from money to money by way of commodity and end up with more money than one had at the outset ’ .
9 The lower rate of SSP is to increase from £45.30 to £46.95 a week with the lower earnings threshold ( below which SSP is not payable ) increasing from £54 to £56 a week .
10 The easy course , in fact , in a life of ‘ self-sufficiency ’ is to drift from day to day , working hard but always responding to circumstances ; on a subsistence holding like ours , there is always somewhere to be weeded ; something to be mended or maintained .
11 At the same time , one introduces the idea of thermal energy , heat , and in many situations the requirement is in fact is to start from energy in one form , such as heat from burning oil , to satisfy a requirement for energy in another form , in other words mechanical energy — the turning of a shaft — so somewhere there has to be a device which converts the heat energy into mechanical energy .
12 Er I think er it 's easy to talk about taking off two and a half percent here and there , I could probably put forward a number of reasons why it could add on two and a half percent , five percent to the figures and indeed I 'd be very disappointed if at the end of the day , we did n't achieve er greater reductions because once you get out long distance through traffic , er whose prime purpose is to move from A to B as quickly as possible , once you do that it gives you the opportunity then of bringing in the sorts of measures to improve pedestrian safety , er to slow traffic down , introduce traffic calming , which you ca n't do on primary routes .
13 He added : ‘ I was staggered to learn that limestone was to go from Redmire to Redcar by road when we were told in 1988 that British Steel could n't get enough of it and had put on an additional train .
14 Forty-eight hours earlier , the Cabinet had agreed in principle to the Big Five's recommended savings of 70 million , of which nearly 50 million was to come from cuts in unemployment benefits .
15 He was to suffer from bouts of explosive flatulence for the rest of his life .
16 What I did was to teeter from side to side like a tall mast on a small ship in a heavy sea .
17 The Black Prince was to march from Bordeaux into the north-central areas of the country ; Henry , duke of Lancaster , planned to attack from Normandy ; while Edward III himself was also to come from the north .
18 Faced for the second time with the collapse of Balliol 's rule , Edward once again mobilized an army , this time for a winter campaign which proved unpopular with the troops and which was abandoned under pressure from Philip VI to conclude a truce , which was to last from Easter to midsummer 1335 .
19 His determination to impress Joan , to win her , made him even more tongue-tied ; his usual conversational gambit was to shift from foot to foot and laugh a great deal .
20 ‘ Now I know how my grandparents felt when they heard that Derek was to hang from journalists at their door . ’
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