Example sentences of "[be] [to-vb] the [noun] or " in BNC.

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1 Dancers on stage must establish their relationship to each other and to those who enter and also the particular way they are to set the action or dance going by initiating the phrasing , style and expressiveness of the choreographic design to be unfolded .
2 When playing with Dominoes , Lotto cards , Snap cards , etc. , the predominant thought has been to use the pictures or patterns on them for matching one-to-one , yet the example quoted shows valuable spin-offs that lead to other equally important mathematical experiences .
3 The answer could be to remove the tonsils or adenoids , according to a study of 60 children in Oxford .
4 They said : ‘ The last thing we would do if we suspected drugs were being imported would be to tell the agent or importer because they may be in touch with someone at the point of origin .
5 One of the main changes has been to allow the establishment or revival of private schools , previously not permitted to operate .
6 Suppose he were to encounter the Ryemarks or even Robin Tatian ?
7 But it is important to state that although in recent years in Britain , there have been many service innovations whose aim has been to improve the home or community care of elderly mentally frail people ( see for example Age Concern England , l983 ) , unfortunately most of these schemes have either not been systematically evaluated ( often because they have been very small in scale ) , or — if they have — results have not been widely disseminated .
8 One is to disconnect the CMOS-backing or other built-in batteries for about five minutes in order to check that it is not a previously cleared fault which is being ‘ remembered ’ .
9 The purpose of this lip curl is to lodge the scent or taste of the female 's urine in a particularly sensitive part of his nasal cavity , the Jacobson 's organ , so that he can assess the female 's reproductive condition .
10 A less direct measure which is applicable only to the most senior management is to observe the fall or rise of the share price when a particular executive leaves or joins a company .
11 The method of preparation is to macerate the juncea or nigra seeds in a vinegar or verjuice solution until they have swollen .
12 One way of doing this is to use the soliloquy or aside , such flexible resources on the Elizabethan stage .
13 The draftsman should specify the person who is to nominate the expert or arbitrator .
14 The principal mistake made by students in their studies is to place the aim or object of their work too far into the future .
15 ( b ) Registered title Clearly , upon the completion of the purchase of a registered title , the main task is to collect the charge or land certificate of the seller , together with a signed transfer deed .
16 And if not I think the next thing actually is to move the decoder or change the decoder
17 The cure is to move the microphone or to move the loudspeakers , which is not always practical , or adjust the microphone volume to a lower level .
18 Basically , therefore , the job consists of transferring male pollen from the anthers of the variety that is to be the male parent to the stigma of the variety that is to become the female or ‘ seed parent .
19 Most ministers tended to face similar tasks : their primary work was to lead the church or , if a Methodist , to work in his assigned circuit and to supervise the ‘ stations ’ with their local preachers .
20 Where the defendant 's duty was to guard the plaintiff or his property from a third party , then the third party act will not relieve the defendant from the consequences of his negligence .
21 One further adopted measure thus was to offset the carriageway or create a chicane by using planting on one side only and switching the right-angle parking from one side to the other ( Figure 6.50 ) .
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