Example sentences of "[be] [to-vb] in [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I have to tell you that you must also fulfil the other obligations you have to your people if you are to remain in this kingdom .
2 On the other hand , if two components are to relate in some way to provide a desired function , it must take place in an intersection zone ( which includes touching areas — zones of zero depth or wholly inserted spaces ) .
3 The last dying patient I 'd been to visit in this hospital had been the caretaker of our Health Centre , in much pain from a carcinoma of the pancreas .
4 And despite the valid excuses , Rangers still must find an extra dimension if they are to prosper in this competition .
5 The greater the variety of non-academic and pre-vocational examinations there are on offer , the easier it may be to progress in this direction .
6 It may be full of happiness for those who are fortunate to have the right conditions at play in their lives , but there is no doubt how stretching it can be to live in close proximity to your relations .
7 If you are to live in rented accommodation or a hotel while finding somewhere more permanent to live in your new domicile , your employer may be willing to be responsible for those costs .
8 Huy would need Merymose 's help if he were to proceed in that direction .
9 Officially the aims of the FMI were to promote in each department an organization in which managers at all levels would have :
10 Apart from these five officials , the other members of the political executive committee were to work in that body alongside their regular jobs .
11 If you were to work in this sector , you would be using your knowledge of company law to contribute to the success of your employer 's business .
12 We need to know for certain that if a person were to suffer in this way , the care will be there for them .
13 If Fernando Serra and Maria Luisa were to walk in this restaurant now — ’
14 THE Soviet team Stroitel Kiev , who were to play in this year 's World International Club Championships at Crystal Palace next week , will not now do so after the organisers refused their demand for £1,900-a-game appearance money .
15 The flying time from Thorney Island to Cherbourg was 35 minutes , and the aircraft were to fly in loose formation .
16 Such a policy of employing royal sons or brothers continued under the Lancastrians , as all four of Henry IV 's sons fought in France , and three were to die in that country .
17 For all she knew , the pilot in the Spitfire pursuing his enemy low across the fields was Johnny , and if anyone were to die in that encounter , it must not be him .
18 If we were to fail in one area it would begin to be assumed elsewhere that perhaps the anti-British propaganda of our enemies had some basis to it , and that the Government were no longer willing or able to help their friends .
19 It estimates that if total development assistance were to double in this decade , as it did between 1977 and 1987 , the 4% target for donor countries remains adequate for population assistance .
20 That was the first wonderful release , others were to follow in rapid succession .
21 The choices facing the administration were to acquiesce in Soviet domination of Korea , to provide aid for south Korea without assuming excessive commitments , or to provide a full guarantee of defence and support for south Korea .
22 The first of these conditions is that the rules must contain in some form restrictions on the free use of violence , theft , and deception to which human beings are tempted but which they must , in general , repress , if they are to coexist in close proximity to each other …
23 This leaves the designer with the choices of moving the hole , moving the bolt in the instrument , moving the whole instrument , or declaring a new relationship ( the bolt is to go in another hole ) .
24 Good girl think of something else that 's to go in this side .
25 The aim of the financial management initiative is to promote in each department an organization and system in which managers at all levels have : ( a ) a clear view of their objectives and means to assess and , wherever possible , measure outputs or performance in relation to their objectives ; ( b ) well-defined responsibility for making the best use of resources , including a critical scrutiny of output and value for money ; and ( c ) the information ( particularly about costs ) , the training and the access to expert advice that they need to exercise their responsibilities effectively .
26 So Mr Zhao , it seems , is to remain in political purgatory , from where he will continue to haunt Li Peng 's dreams of stability .
27 Some of our members have lost their consolidated rate and it 's now become a bit of a running sore on the pay negotiations from last year , it needs to be sorted out , if confidence is to remain in last year 's pay , pay deal .
28 Our commitment is to remain in this art form because it is positive and real ; and to demand the right to define it .
29 The final chance of preventing virus replication beginning , is to inhibit in some way the uncoating stage where coat proteins of the virus dissociate from the genetic material they surround , The third anti-viral drug available now is a cage-like hydrocarbon amine molecule called amantadine , which seems to inhibit the uncoating of influenza viruses in some way .
30 What is for sure , we need to be more active than we have been in this area if tennis is to flourish in this country .
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