Example sentences of "[be] [to-vb] [adv prt] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , unless we are to fall back on the unsatisfactory practice of listing verbs which do support the construction and those which do not , some other factor must be waiting to be discovered , which will help to explain why ( 56 ) and ( 67 ) seem outright ungrammatical , and yet we can have either of ( 68 ) and ( 69 ) : ( 68 ) Tania left despondently ( 69 ) Tania left despondent To conclude , we may point out that there will clearly be a close connexion , under certain choices of lexical items , between the surface construction ( 44 ) and ordinary predicative position .
2 So I said well please make sure you 're in before you 're to go up on the bus .
3 ‘ Guv'nor says you 're to set off on the side nearest him , ’ Bob said briefly .
4 To travel through Ireland without visiting a pub would be to miss out on a huge chunk of Irish life .
5 If you were to write down on a sheet of paper half a dozen simple statements of fact which were either true or false and then turn the questions face down , the pendulum will come up with which are which . ’
6 The sales department , for example , or the export department if the broadcast is to go out on the world service or in any particular language , might be able to use the information to back up sales activity and to show that promotional support is being given to the company 's product or services .
7 The next thing is to go out on the road and into people 's homes and offices , where they 've written us letters saying they want to get fit . ’
8 this one , look at the back , I think the reason it 's so big is to go in on the sockets at the back , put , you can put two tapes on it
9 He says Wilfrd Thesiger 's idea of a nice night is to curl up on a rock and eat some fresh camel 's milk .
10 For an artist to travel is to set out on a visual adventure which may or may not end in fulfilment .
11 Getting boot Rhuddlan Borough Council is to clamp down on the number of car boot sales being held regularly at various places , although occasional sales for charities may still be allowed .
12 The intention , however , as is clear from the document , is to cut back on the number of industrial conferences as that work is being swallowed up by the section conferences and as Robert in seconding the report made perfectly clear , industrial conferences , now called delegate conferences will only be held if there is a negotiating body for which the delegate conference has to frame policy , or in a number of other very limited situations .
13 Einstein 's solution was to fall back on the old Romantic notion of the Imagination , suspending his disbelief in order to conduct what he called a " thought experiment " .
14 The only way to deal with him was to fall back on the technique that had always served her best .
15 The government 's response to mounting criticism was to crack down on the principal advocates of reform .
16 The most useful contribution he could make was to turn up on the right day in the right uniform , cut ribbons , and make cosy speeches .
17 ‘ One piece of advice was to think back on the big innings I have played and think about the positive parts of those innings — picking out the pieces I really enjoyed .
18 Coleman 's job was to get out on the streets and talk to people , to come back with a feel for what the bombing had achieved .
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