Example sentences of "[be] [to-vb] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Principally the visit had been to see a senior boy with lifelong problems who had suddenly become unmanageable and would have to be admitted to an asylum , but while there he had been asked to assess Anna Beckett , a child who had moved him strangely .
2 By the time you read this ( Merry Chrimbo , by the way ! ) we will have held a social evening to welcome our new members on the 1st October , we will have been to see the chilling drama ‘ The Woman in Black ’ at the Fortune Theatre on the 19th November and we will have had Christmas drinks on the 12th December .
3 In the early days I had been a bit disappointed that the NUJ had n't immediately leapt to John 's defence , but ever since I had first been to see the General Secretary , Harry Conroy , and his assistant , Tom Nash , the union had done what it could to respond to what was asked of them .
4 The father was distraught ; he had appealed to the Prime Minister , had been to see the Foreign Secretary , he had been in fact everywhere , and finally asked Max Rayne whether he could come to see me .
5 ‘ This particular evening we 'd been to see the latest Lloyd Webber musical and I was high on the music , treading on air … ’
6 A practical solution to this problem has been to compare the monetary inputs ( costs ) with non-monetary outputs .
7 The Regional Council Highways Department is to install a kerb at this corner and the Community Council are to plant a few trees .
8 In summary , then , at present advocates of an orthodox Marxist-Leninist ( Soviet-inspired ) solution to Latin American problems do not enjoy much support , and it seems clear that Communist parties need to develop more flexible strategies and to ally themselves with the broader left if they are to sustain an effective role in political life .
9 Some believed indeed that the original intention of Soviet Mediterranean deployments had been to induce a negotiated withdrawal of the United States ' Sixth Fleet .
10 We gladly accept all these rightful strictures and if we are to enjoy the same success with councils we have to accept their bye-laws , too .
11 Whatever the outcome of the Higginson Committee 's inquiry may be , if we are to see a radical improvement in secondary education , we must learn to think not merely of a new form of examination ( and therefore presumably a novel kind of syllabus that will lead to it ) but of a wholly new approach to those studies that we wish to retain in the sixth forms at school , and how these studies are to relate to the pupils ' next step , when they leave school .
12 For example , if we are to see a major confluence of the world 's financial markets , we need to have prepared our financial structure and planning in good time to take advantage of such changes .
13 You need a very powerful microscope if you are to see the fundamental crystal structure of our environment .
14 If we are to continue the high levels of payment to those affected by restructuring , the Bill is essential .
15 As Bishop Brinton said , it had been to restore a rightful heir to his kingdom and to defeat tyranny that the campaign in northern Spain had been fought in 1367 .
16 If you are to attend the monthly progress review meeting , think carefully about the end-result you wish to achieve by attending .
17 Part of that role — as deputy to the Superintendent — has been to promote a multi-agency approach to crime prevention and community safety , forging close contacts with district councils as well as other statutory and voluntary groups within Hampshire .
18 You have to know where you 're going if you are to plan the best way of getting there !
19 The main objectives of the research are to estimate the total compliance costs of personal income tax and capital gains tax in the UK , ie the costs incurred by taxpayers over and above their tax liability .
20 The main objectives of this research are to estimate the total costs of operating the tax system ; to estimate the benefits accruing to businesses as a result of the operation of the system ( particularly cash flow benefits ) ; to compare costs of operating the main taxes ; and to identify areas of high compliance costs with a view to their reduction .
21 The artificial abrasive carborundum , made in Sweden , the U.S.A. and Japan , was probably not available to the Chinese until after the war of 1914–18 , since when its main use has been to impart a high surface gloss to finished articles .
22 If we are to connect the small towns and other settlements which were provided with fortifications with the needs of provincial administration , then they should contain buildings identifiable as either the residences and offices of the local officials , or granaries and stores-buildings for the collection and security of taxes in kind .
23 But if we are to relate the romantic picture of historical generalization to the hard facts of life as it was lived , we need examples , great and small , of cities at work .
24 Now that we have learnt to take account of the unpaid domestic labour of younger women as positive inputs into the economy ( Piachaud , 1985 ; Joshi , 1987a ) , it is time to extend this approach to the variety of unpaid activities of older people if we are to obtain an accurate picture of their role in the economy and of the extent to which they are a net ‘ burden ’ upon it .
25 But they have the grave disadvantage that they must spend almost all their waking hours eating it if they are to obtain an adequate diet .
26 Accordingly , on 12 June 1940 Lord Woolton , Minister of Food , despatched a memorandum to the Food Policy Committee of the War Cabinet in which he identified three groups in the population to whom food distribution should be improved : workers in factories ( ‘ if we are to obtain the maximum production over a long period of time from them ’ ) , people on low incomes and ‘ children of school age and under and nursing mothers whom , on grounds both of humanity and of racial preservation , it is essential we should protect against malnutrition ’ .
27 I suggest , General , that if we are to secure a good working relationship , such remarks could be kept to a minimum ? ’
28 Our objectives are to secure the long-term interests of the fishing industry by ensuring effective measures to secure stocks .
29 One largely unforeseen consequence of rural housing policies has therefore been to increase the relative deprivation of low-paid rural workers ( and their newly married offspring ) .
30 French government officials are to launch a judicial investigation .
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