Example sentences of "[be] [to-vb] [pron] in [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Their friendship had straggled on in a passive sort of way ; he 'd been to see her in Brighton and played the romantic flirt , talking of Brief Encounter in the pub and putting his hand on her knee .
2 Robert said he 'd been to see you in Brno recently ; hope it was a good weekend .
3 Quite by chance in collecting material for I have come across a cousin who is the communications and Public relations person at so I am to put them in touch with each other as the one in London has just had a letter from another in Vancouver trying to do family research .
4 Perhaps er er another way of looking at this would be to see it in terms of rightist deviations and leftist deviations and one might see erm the er the moderate policies er of thirty seven to forty nine i in a sense as being erm a rightist deviation , one might see forty six forty seven as being leftist deviations and the left is seeking to overcome rightist deviations , the right seeking to overcome leftist deviations and you 've got some kind of oscillation between the two .
5 If you do not know what documents you have and how they relate to one another , your priority should be to put them in order rather than to transfer them to an electronic system .
6 ‘ The idea seems to be to blast everything in sight . ’
7 David looked down at her as she lay against the white pillows , pale and thinner than ever , and thought how much easier it would be to keep himself in check if her husband treated her with the gentleness she deserved .
8 Llewelyn was close in his chamber with his chaplain-secretary and Ednyfed Fychan over the dictation of letters , and his seal was already on the credentials of the envoys who were to represent him in Shrewsbury ; but David , when he heard what the messenger had to report , on his own authority brought him in to the conference and shattered it .
9 He made love to her with a driving desperation that matched the excesses which were to shock her in retrospect , and if his flesh bore the imprint of her nails and teeth afterwards , there were faint reciprocal marks on her body , mostly the legacy of an erotically suckling mouth .
10 ‘ Master Shallot , ’ she called in her beautiful French voice , ‘ my husband says you are to join us in France . ’
11 One way of understanding the world is to see it in terms of the relationships within and between a set of interrelated systems , as described in the opening paragraph of this chapter .
12 The problem is largely an insuperable one , and all we can do at this stage is to bear it in mind .
13 In a survey of London 's trades in 1747 , the wages of milliners were said to be " poor and mean " : " Though a young woman can work neatly in all manner of Needle Work , yet she can not earn more than Five or Six Shillings [ 25-30p ] a week , out of which she is to find herself in board and lodging . "
14 He added : ‘ The best way to get rid of them is to baptise them in power . ’
15 My longing is to meet you in play of love , my lover :
16 The essential skill in setting call objectives is to phrase them in terms of what the salesperson wants the customer to do rather than what the salesperson will do .
17 One is to wrap them in clingfilm and put them in the fridge until the next meal .
18 When you buy a valuable piece of equipment , like a new car or furniture for your home , one of the first things you do , is to insure it in case of accidental damage .
19 If the elderly do not have money , then the answer is to put them in government homes .
20 A classic way of finding out how much of your own job can and should be delegated is to put someone in charge while you are away .
21 when they confront uses of the foreign language they are learning , their natural inclination is to interpret them in reference to this established association , and rely on the foreign language as sparingly as possible .
22 The correct way to think about [ 4 ] is to interpret it in terms of energy transfers .
23 The temptation , when setting objectives , is to determine them in terms of what the salesperson will do .
24 So can you see it is vital that all of you keep your circulation going right and a good idea is to start it in bed so that before you get out and put weight on your limbs And the same with the rest of your body get your circulation going , get the joints doing a bit of movement and before you get up and give them the added job of bearing your weight .
25 The only response is to clap them in irons , but that will not persuade anyone to listen to reason or to feel that he should be accountable .
26 Unbeknown to you the real motive is to question you in order to undermine your position .
27 Outline answers to these questions have already been suggested ; the aim of the project is to develop them in detail .
28 Now the goal is to complete it in time for an autumn summit .
29 Thus , as we saw above , the only way to help sponsor something is to sponsor it in part by contributing money oneself .
30 Its instinct is to root itself in truth , to earth itself in reality , and it is this which distinguishes faith from fantasy , the object of faith from a figment of the imagination .
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