Example sentences of "[be] [adj] so [adv] as " in BNC.

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31 Any gift or campaign contribution is legal so long as it is reported .
32 Alicia Lockwood had said , " In front of them both , Mr. Crowther , so that they both catch on — I do n't care if it is embarrassing so long as the idea gets into their heads . "
33 Any of these conditions is pleasurable so long as there is a good likelihood of satisfaction in reasonably short order .
34 I prefer to apply the principle that a promise intended to be binding , intended to be acted on and in fact acted on , is binding so far as its terms properly apply .
35 The fact that consent was obtained by a trick or by fraud is irrelevant so long as the consent was given to the agent in his capacity as a mercantile agent .
36 An image is a pictorial understanding of a kind which is true so far as it goes , but which falls short of full rational clarity , and must eventually be superseded by a concept .
37 But at least it pays no rent and in practice it is secure so long as it farms the land and avoids bankruptcy .
38 In the UK , the present position is that microbiological processes are patentable so long as there has been a significant human intervention in the discovery of the organism and its isolation .
39 The basic rules enunciated in ss9 and 12 are unvariable so far as concerns the right of a third party to bring proceedings against a firm or against individual members .
40 Whatever it might have been , it was short-lived so far as James was concerned .
41 The coexistence in Francia of Louis and Lothar as co-emperors was possible so long as Lothar remained unmarried .
42 This , however , was impossible so long as descent was reckoned according to mother right .
43 He knew he was safe so long as he remained in the kitchen .
44 The judge erred in law in holding that in mortgage proceedings if a mortgagee failed to seek an order for costs then the mortgagor could apply for the costs to be taxed on an appropriate basis ; if no order was made the mortgagor could require that the costs of the mortgage proceedings be referred by the master taking the account to the taxing master for taxation pursuant to R.S.C. , Ord. 62 , r. 24 ; ( 3 ) that a provision in the mortgage deed providing expressly or by implication the basis on which costs were to be taxed was not then binding on the court and the judge also erred when he held that in mortgage proceedings a provision entitling the mortgagee to an indemnity against all costs , charges and expenses was void so far as it purports to exclude the jurisdiction of the court under section 51 of the Supreme Court Act 1981 .
45 That was sustainable so long as France faced an unquestioned nuclear threat from the Soviet Union , and needed to respond with only small-scale military operations overseas ( in Chad , for example , or Gabon ) .
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