Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [prep] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Helmets are watery from spike to chin-strap .
2 The shorter the period over which prices are sticky in relation to the period over which government policy instruments are sticky , the more likely it is that the policy implications of chapter 4 will remain .
3 Theorems 2 and 3 together give us a relative completeness result : relative to the knowledge we are assuming about expressions , our algebraic laws are complete with respect to deciding the equivalence of finite programs .
4 And there , only sixteen say they 're depressive er people , eighty four no but the great majority here have been depressed from time to time .
5 Holden calls someone a ‘ phoney ’ if they behave in a superficial way , or if they value the wrong things , for example money and beauty , and are hypocritical in order to be accepted in society .
6 At this meeting the dauphin may have implied that the duke , whose reluctance to adopt a strongly anti-English stance was generally recognised , had been guilty of treason to the French crown .
7 Actions for damages ( as opposed to injunctions ) have not so far figured largely in litigation against individuals caused by industrial action ; the limits to union liability set by the 1982 Act are low in relation to the loss that may be suffered and the very large fines imposed for contempt by disobedience to injunctions have probably been a more powerful sanction .
8 At a more detailed level considerable variations are possible from model to model , such as the exact ratios of hydrogen to helium and of hydrogen to the other substances .
9 The course should give details on the various ethnic groups and , if any particular groups are disadvantaged with respect to others , this should be covered and the implications explained .
10 Until the potential political power of the millions of women who are disadvantaged in relation to paid and unpaid labour and in retirement is realised , policies to combat the poverty of many of those aged 60 and over are not likely to be forthcoming .
11 This has been a source of satisfaction to the Computer Group , but has been due in part to the assistance we have received from many people .
12 These falls have been due in part to straightforward changes in age structure : fewer children — who tend to increase average household size — and more elderly people — who tend to live in smaller households — will both lower the overall average household size .
13 Without doubt a great deal of my enjoyable working life has been due in part to being lucky enough to work with .
14 Of course the absence of any such response to these sentences in the original version might have been due in part to their location in the story .
15 Despite its widespread occurrence gold has always been scarce in relation to demand .
16 Until 1925 it had been possible for Communists to be represented in all sections of the Labour Party but at the liverpool Conference it was decided to exclude them from membership .
17 Thus , the Scottish Law Commission in para 5:23 of their Memorandum 25 , observed that s62(4) : … is of importance since the introduction of the rule that property in sale might pass without delivery would otherwise have been possible by resort to transactions in the form of sale to circumvent the rule that a security over moveables may not generally be constituted without transfer to them .
18 1,3-Dithiadiazoles are unstable with respect to isomerisation to the 1,2-isomer and consequently isolation of these 1,3-radicals has , on the whole , been unsuccessful .
19 Sea-kayaks are unstable in comparison to river canoes I decide .
20 The L1 protein shows a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activities in vitro , and its putative anti-proliferative properties are interesting in relation to the immunosuppression postulated to take place in lamina propria .
21 Where there is nothing to show that the parties have used language in any other than its strict and ordinary sense , and where the words interpreted in that sense are sensible with reference to extrinsic circumstances , it is an inflexible rule of construction that the words shall be interpreted in that strict and primary sense even though they may be capable of some popular or secondary interpretation and even though the most conclusive evidence of the intention to use them in such popular sense is tendered ( Enlayde Ltd v Roberts [ 1917 ] 1 Ch 109 : obligation to reinstate property destroyed by fire included an obligation to reinstate where the destruction was caused by incendiary bombs ) .
22 Nevertheless it is pertinent to observe that while academic studies at college and polytechnics are presented as being important because they enrich the student , the subjects which are acceptable for entry to a primary PGCE course are clearly defined .
23 These people are afraid of anger to such an extent that they are dishonest .
24 The strength of the Labour Party lay in its ability to win votes , which became increasingly clear in relation to the Liberals after the granting of manhood suffrage in 1918 and had been clear in relation to other socialist groups ever since 1900 .
25 In particular the researchers are interested in responses to a recent directive concerning the uses and meanings of literacy practices in the writers ' lives .
26 Falcons are interested in food to the exclusion of everything else , but an owl likes to know precisely what 's going on around it , even if it 's hungry .
27 Its decisions on authorisation , disqualification , making public statements of misconduct and the exercise of its powers of intervention are subject to appeal to a statutory tribunal , the Financial Services Tribunal .
28 The golden orb web-building spider Nephila clavipes has males which are tiny in comparison to their females .
29 Thus , for instance , Jeremy Lever QC in a recent article referred to ‘ the lack of recitals to United Kingdom legislation and the rule that reports of parliamentary debates are inadmissible as aids to construction , in consequence of which there may be no way in which the objects of United Kingdom legislation can be readily ascertained by our courts . ’
30 Moore might well have presented his claim that good , in contrast to horse and various other universals , is simple , as the statement that it is a quality , for there is a sense in which all the universals most naturally called qualities are simple in contrast to other universals , such as forms ( e.g. shapes ) or structures ( e.g.the way in which an army is organized ) .
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