Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [verb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They are right to impose a timetable at the start of the Committee stage to ensure that all parts of the Bill are properly dealt with .
2 But I am due to take a trip to the Indian Ocean shortly where I hope to go swimming in a warmer sea !
3 Lawyers acting for the 14 nuns are due to see a judge in chambers today to ask for a judicial review which would effectively prevent ministry officials carrying out the slaughter at Our Lady of the Passion Monastery near Daventry .
4 England are due to spend a fortnight in Sri Lanka next March , playing a Test and two one-day internationals .
5 The matter could conceivably be overlooked : either if ( instead of from your last employer ) , you are due to get a pension from an earlier employer ; or if you will only be receiving a State pension — and not a company pension in addition .
6 The unrest has claimed more than 200 lives across the country so far , and yesterday saw a riot by 10,000 in Bombay where Graham Gooch 's men are due to play a Test in the New Year .
7 England are due to play a friendly in Dublin on March 28 and even before the draw Lansdowne Road was assured of a sell-out .
8 Tania 's mother , Jackie May , said her daughter had been due to attend a court hearing in Gloucester the day after her disappearance last Wednesday .
9 The controversial Chesterfield MP had been due to give a lecture at Queen 's University this evening on the future of British politics .
10 In a well-led and well-motivated military force it has always been possible to form a rearguard who will fight tenaciously on behalf of their colleagues .
11 In a circular yesterday , the company said it had not been possible to arrange a refinancing on conventional terms .
12 It had been possible to board a steamer for Norway at Port Dundas .
13 And over the years it 's been possible to identify a number of factors produced by these bacteria that seem to make sense in terms of the pathology and the conditions .
14 In other words , if the legal discourse had exactly paralleled the everyday discourse it would not have been possible to achieve a solution in one but not in the other .
15 From this it might have been possible to develop a philosophy in which humankind had a responsibility towards the other species with which we share the earth .
16 It has not been possible to produce a diagram modelling our use of information services — it would have required at least four dimensions to deal with the different aspects .
17 It has not been possible to present a report to this month 's Finance Committee due to the timing of the recovery action and the Committee date .
18 CITIES targeted by the Government are each to have a minister from a team of nine headed by the Inner Cities Minister , Mr David Hunt , to advise them on regenerating the urban environment They will work with City Action Teams and Inner City Task Forces already set up , Mr Hunt yesterday told a London conference , Business in the Cities .
19 ‘ His age is not a problem because I 've never been afraid to take a gamble on players and he could give us another option . ’
20 And if enough of us are prepared to give a donation — just a proportion of what we spend on our own families and friends at Christmas — we can reach that precious goal of Universal Child Immunisation by the end of 1990 .
21 Other countries are prepared to give a commitment that they will move to a single currency without reference back to their domestic Parliaments .
22 ABOVE , INSET Unless you are prepared to spend a lot of time grooming your dog , do not choose a breed such as the Afghan Hound .
23 PAL can be used to broadcast wide-screen pictures ( for display in cinema-screen shape on a new kind of set ) only if viewers with existing receivers are prepared to tolerate a picture like a letterbox .
24 THE LIBERAL Democrats are prepared to sustain a minority Tory Government in power without any promise on electoral reform in order to put Labour under pressure to do a deal , senior party advisors said yesterday .
25 It ignores , however , the fact that human beings do not require formal textual markers before they are prepared to interpret a text .
26 But now we are happy to be able to announce that , at last , we understand that Scot Rail and British Rail are prepared to remove a seat to allow a wheelchair position in the main carriage even though the wheelchair will be unsecured .
27 We are prepared to adopt a system that is a little more complicated , provided that it is fairer and responds more to the wishes of the British public .
28 A second group are the adopters who are prepared to adopt a child of two black parents or a child of one white and one black parent , and to accept the child as he or she is , recognising the difference in racial and cultural origin .
29 ‘ These service industries can provide a better short-term financial return but real sustainable growth must be founded on manufacturing industries which add real value to raw materials by combining them together to form a product for which people are prepared to pay a premium , ’ he added .
30 It is also a practical answer to the difficulties of continuing to maintain and staff isolated institutions in an age when few people are prepared to make a career in residential work .
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