Example sentences of "[be] [verb] from [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 The excess has been altered from 2% of the building value of 1% where accidental damage cover is included to a fixed sum of £1,000 each and every claim .
2 Presumably the remaining 20% are formed from combinations of these four classifications :
3 The new unit , established with funding from the World Wide Fund for Nature ( WWF ) , has been formed from members of both SWAPO and the South African military — the former rival forces in the independence war .
4 Brian Harris , director of the Institute 's Professional Conduct Department , confirmed that complaints had been received from clients of the firm , but refused to comment further .
5 Shrubs , which had been dying from lack of water since the supply had been cut off , were suddenly green and straight again in a brief moment of health before the rising waters overwhelmed them .
6 About 4000 meteorite fragments have been collected from expanses of bare ice measuring about 4000 sq .
7 Copies seem to have been made from casts of the original , with the help of a pointing machine which allowed certain basic measurements to be reproduced mechanically .
8 The opposite suggestion , that marine planation at the present level is active , has been made from observations of wide platforms truncating hard rocks and apparently related to present sea level .
9 For example , by looking at a pot , it may be suspected that it has not been thrown on a wheel but has been made from coils of clay , joined together and smoothed by hand to form the wall of the pot .
10 Normally , release prints are made from a duplicate ( 'dupe' ) negative , much as the pictures in this book are made from dupes of the ( expensive , irreplaceable ) slides borrowed from agencies .
11 Foam mattresses are made from layers of different density foam , but they do n't offer the support of a sprung mattress and some people find them too warm to sleep on .
12 Integrated circuits are made from layers of materials by a process which includes etching using various " masks " ( templates ) which are made photographically .
13 This means that instead of being a monolithic operating system running monolithic applications , the program just calls in bits of code as they are needed from libraries of routines — rather the same way that ICL Plc 's VME mainframe operating system works .
14 This means that instead of being a monolithic operating system running monolithic applications , the program just calls in bits of code as they are needed from libraries of routines — rather the same way that ICL Plc 's VME mainframe operating system works .
15 Non-brecchia rocks have been produced by impact-disruption of large sheets of various highland rocks and of mare basalts , and brecchias have been produced from fragments of these rocks .
16 Remarkably , the unit has been forged from members of both the former SWAPO guerrillas and the South-African backed koevert counter-insurgency force , who only two years ago were locked in a ferocious bush war .
17 Our staff and volunteers are drawn from churches of all denominations .
18 How these effects have been unravelled from measurements of the arrival times of the pulsar pulses is recounted in Section 8.6 .
19 When a concerted and invasive effort has been made to find acid fast rods in sarcoid tissue they seem to be present , and acid fast bacteria without cell walls and tuberculostearic acid have also been isolated from lesions of patients with sarcoidosis .
20 Applications are invited from members of staff on any of these grades with at least six months experience within the company who do not currently have a representative within their area .
21 Each of these disciplines is currently represented in our postgraduate body and applications are invited from graduates of these disciplines as well as of Chemical Engineering .
22 Too many assumptions about bureaucratic behaviour have been derived from observations of a single organization and specific time periods : Niskanen and the US Department of Defence ; Tullock and departments of foreign affairs ; ‘ Leviathan ’ models of the 1965–75 growth years , and so on .
23 This in turn made it possible to consider changes in language behaviour which occurred during childhood as products of the same mechanisms which had been documented in respect of other kinds of behaviour ; verbal behaviour was to be understood in terms of the same learning principles which had been derived from studies of the behaviour of rats , pigeons and monkeys .
24 More important information about the influence of hereditary factors in ulcer disease has been derived from studies of twins .
25 ‘ One must accept ’ , Morton said carefully , ‘ that it would be unlikely the body had been brought from south of the river , because of the danger of being caught on a bridge .
26 Obviously , if you have a heavy cold , a headache , are suffering from lack of sleep or are jet lagged , you should not be flying .
27 The core businesses are still profitable , but are suffering from lack of investment , McErlain said .
28 If emission standards are derived from consideration of air quality standards this makes the emission standards strategy really part of an air quality management strategy .
29 If emission standards are derived from consideration of the best available control technology and from economic considerations , this strategy is entirely independent of the air quality management strategy .
30 Western blot analysis using anti-serum against expressed proteins detected each corresponding subunit of HeLa TFIIF ( Fig. 1B , 1C ) providing immunological evidence that the recombinant proteins are derived from expression of cDNAs for each subunit of TFIIF .
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