Example sentences of "[be] [verb] by a [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Paisley 's whole career has been distinguished by a finely developed sense of symbolism and an event like the imprisonment was not to be wasted .
2 In these activities , the ‘ players ’ are joined by a very large number of other people and organisations , each seeking an audience for their comments :
3 I in fact I 've just been shown a different copy of this , Gwen has just shown me a different copy and the colour 's is totally different , its a very , very poor erm print and , when I was looking at this through my book , the background was very strange and I felt that almost had been painted by a totally different artist , but having seen Gwin 's , er Gwen 's
4 As a child , she had been dominated by a slightly older brother .
5 The 1984 general election [ see pp. 33327-28 ] had been dominated by a hastily assembled NNP coalition , from which the current NDC , TNP and NNP originated .
6 The police know that ’ hotting ’ , ram-raiding , and related offences are committed by a comparatively small number of people , many of whom are persistent young criminals .
7 Animals give the appearance of having been designed by a theoretically sophisticated and practically ingenious physicist or engineer , but there is no suggestion that the bats themselves know or understand the theory in the same sense as a physicist understands it .
8 The results , announced a few days later , made it clear that the proposition had been carried by a very large majority .
9 The form of slave production and exploitation and subsequent colonial development of the West Indies has also ensured for most of the islands a fate similar to that of many modern African states : a form of ‘ peripheral ’ development in which individual economies are dominated by a very small number of cash crops , often the same as those cultivated under the original system of slavery , the income from which is dependent on world commodity prices subject to considerable fluctuation and open to manipulation by metropolitan powers ( Beckford , 1972 ) .
10 Staffing was included , though a ratio of 50:50 between expenditure on salaries and materials , thought to be reasonable at that time , has since been distorted by a much greater proportion of expenditure going to staffing .
11 Now , if the depression has been preceded by a particularly deep-going crisis , equilibrium may be established at such a low level of activity that the volume of fixed capital currently being produced may well be considerably smaller than that which would allow for the time-proportional replacement of fixed capital at the previous average rate .
12 Despite the fact that the two summits are separated by a relatively small gap , the Breche des Drus , to reach the summit of the Grand Drug from the breche demands the ascent of a vertical wall of granite , topped by a large overhang .
13 In Whitehouse v Jordan [ 1981 ] , the House of Lords confirmed that an error of judgment does not automatically indicate negligence , it depends whether the error would have been made by a reasonably competent professional man professing to have the standard and type of skill that the defendant held himself out as having .
14 It had been made by a galactically known artist — an ancient , smelly and mostly blind human living on a renovated asteroid near the Home System where Old Earth still spins .
15 ‘ I do n't know how much longer we can hope to keep this a clandestine relationship , ’ Luke said sardonically one Friday night when the immediate edge of the savage hunger for each other that built up during their partings had been soothed by a wildly abandoned reunion .
16 I welcome this book on two major counts : first , because it succeeds in what should be the aim of every author , that is to educate and entertain , and secondly because it has been written by a very knowledgeable person who genuinely cares for his dogs , has bred a consistent type for many years and has put as much into the ‘ dog game ’ as he has taken out .
17 The market square activities are overseen by a commandingly large bronze statue of Sir John Franklin , discoverer of the North-West Passage .
18 This has not yet been measured by a properly controlled experiment .
19 In Bucharest Dalby had been told by a totally reliable source that Ion Manescu , brutal Securitate chief , was alive .
20 See for instance ex.2e from the first quintet of Die Zauberflöte , where the forceful words ‘ Hass , Verleumdung , schwarzer Galle ’ ( ‘ hatred , calumny , black gall ’ ) are reflected by a similarly forceful hail-type articulation that is indicated by clear strokes for the violins .
21 They are now certain an explosion was caused by Pentrite , a plastic explosive which requires much less skill to handle than Semtex and has been used by a far wider range of terrorist groups .
22 They had been bought by a well intended but misguided woman who found that she could no longer afford to keep them .
23 Lucien was n't quite sure how he felt about being a second choice , but comforted himself with the knowledge that Garimel had undoubtedly been bought by a less lenient household .
24 The contrasts between the characters , — an uneducated but vivacious working girl and an aesthetic but austere playboy — are displayed by a tritely schematic design code .
25 The harsh , brittle sound of the old black discs , always a considerable drawback , has been replaced by a wholly revitalised and much more flattering aural image , enabling us to fully appreciate what remains a classic of the gramophone .
26 ( Moss 1989a ) A view of all-powerful texts exerting ideological effects on a vulnerable readership has been replaced by a more complex understanding of the relationship between text and reader in which texts appear more contradictory and readers able to answer back .
27 But the old pub had burnt down in the 1960s and been replaced by a more profitable and thrusting enterprise .
28 No longer does Gascoigne want to take on the world single-handed , and his reckless nature has been replaced by a more thoughtful approach .
29 The traditional demographic structure , which was pyramid-like in shape , with a wide base ( indicating a large number of young people ) and narrow top ( indicating few people in the older age groups ) , has been replaced by a more equal distribution among the different age groups .
30 The traditional post-war argument between different kinds of interventionism has been replaced by a much broader debate .
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