Example sentences of "[be] [verb] into [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Their heads had been eased into the yoke , and they were now locked into the system .
2 The flaws which they are building into the system ( which even Phil is building into the system ) — the endemic morbidity of man and the lethal hostility of his environment — are not incidental but essential .
3 The Abbess of Barking complained that her wood of Alderfen , belonging to her manor of Tollesbury , had been recalled into the Forest of Essex , ‘ although she says the wood is not in the forest and ought not to be ’ .
4 Truman had been propelled into the presidency through the sudden death of Franklin Roosevelt on 12 April 1945 .
5 Scanners convert the image they are given into a pattern of dots , typically at a resolution of 300dpi .
6 The UK subsidiary has been eating into the parent company 's profits due to start up costs for its paging and mobile communications operations .
7 Braque had first introduced letters into a still life , probably of early 1910 ( Le Pyrogène et ‘ Le Quotidien ’ ) , but they are blended into the composition and have no function other than that of identifying as a newspaper the object over which they are painted .
8 ‘ Scrap merchants will pay 45p per kilo for empty drinks cans , provided they are crushed into a shape that 's easily handled , ’ he said .
9 Little systematic research has so far been undertaken into the relationship between subject studied and success for non-traditionally qualified students .
10 A great deal of research has been undertaken into the understanding of TSPs and our intention here is simply to illustrate an alternative branching scheme using the special structure of the problem .
11 The French Commandos are tucking into a meal .
12 Will the water overflow if two hands are plunged into the bowl ?
13 Just a few paragraphs in and we are plunged into the fog and grime of the capital : in 1817 the American Ambassador was enveloped in a midday fog in Bond Street so thick that he felt tempted to ask how the English became so great with so little daylight .
14 A questionnaire was also used to record dietary intake of milk products and fat and the presence or absence of intolerance to milk or milk products ( symptoms of nausea , abdominal bloating , abdominal cramps , or diarrhoea ) after wach subject had been enrolled into the study .
15 Radical analysts of welfare development tend to see the imposition of mandatory retirement , encouraged or enforced by state pension schemes , as pan of the process whereby , in late industrial societies with highly specialized divisions of labour , elderly people are marginalized into a condition of ‘ structured dependence ’ .
16 IN the Dales , history and legend are welded into the landscape as firmly as the rocks beneath .
17 However , they had been plunged into a welter of activity in which they tried to respond to urgent and practical matters placed before them and it is , therefore , not surprising that a commonly held view was that ‘ the best form of training comes from getting on with the job ’ .
18 As it happens there is one sound in this production more dramatic than any of the music — and that is the sound of a knife being tossed into a pool of water after it has been plunged into the heart of Pelleas .
19 As it happens there is one sound in this production more dramatic than any of the music — and that is the sound of a knife being tossed into a pool of water after it has been plunged into the heart of Pelleas .
20 Suddenly , Stairway to Paradise is echoing through the theatre and I am stepping into the spotlight sliding faster and faster .
21 Two examples have frequently been pressed into the mold of religion versus science : the burning of Michael Servetus ( c. 1511–53 ) in Protestant Geneva and of Giordano Bruno ( 1548–1600 ) by the Roman Inquisition .
22 Application of the wrist lock 1 : both thumbs are pressed into the back of the attacker 's hand , forcing the wrist back on itself .
23 We read that the apostles in Jerusalem sent Peter and John down to them and ‘ when they arrived , they prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Spirit , because the Holy Spirit had not yet come upon any of them ; they had simply been baptised into the name of the Lord Jesus .
24 It appeared that the expedient solution proposed by the District in 1930 for the Bedfordshire scheme had led to a further concession in Cambridgeshire in 1932 and by 1937 had been developed into a strategy for the development of adult education in rural areas for which the Board ‘ … visualised the Rural Areas Scheme as an eight counties one ’ .
25 By the time of Jesus this commandment had been developed into a list of 513 points of law with detailed conditions of each and every possible situation .
26 He further found that she had been lulled into a sense of false security by the hospital staff and been misinformed as to the availability and effect of alternative procedures .
27 The basic problem is that , unlike other courses in this field , they have never been given into the care and custody of a national body so that there is no established basis for recognition , either as equivalent to qualifications at a similar level in other fields or as a stage leading to higher level courses .
28 Other music , especially from the Orient , can be almost eventless , so that the emotions are lulled into a state of passive acceptance .
29 Evidence from satellite photos , refugees and dissident groups reveals that almost the entire flow of the Euphrates has been diverted into a 560-kilometre drainage canal , known as the Third River , recently connected to the sea .
30 His distress could have been alleviated with treatment far earlier if he had been diverted into the hospital system straight from the police station , or direct from the court , rather than via prison .
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