Example sentences of "[be] [verb] as [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 My Department is writing to all those who have been registered as objectors to the applications , with details of the arrangements .
2 If the latter are regarded as territory to be defended , as rallying cries for confrontation with others , perhaps we ought to be asking whether they need to be so territorial ?
3 In the article , Tannen 's findings are presented as advice to women on how best to communicate with men : for example , ‘ Speak in a straightforward way to male subordinates .
4 Let us rather glance at two of what are presented as solutions to the problem , the metalinguistic and the possible-worlds proposals .
5 Patrilocal residence , where women join the households of their husbands rather than vice versa , and the continued strength of the system of domestic production , where families consume most of what they produce rather than buy and sell in the market , have always been seen as obstacles to capitalist development in the Third World and as strong reinforcements for the maintenance of feudal-patriarchal relations .
6 Drs David Gorst at Lancaster Royal Infirmary , Jerry Ravetz , Honorary Reader in the Lancaster Centre for Science Studies and Science Policy and Iain Chalmers , Director of the National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit at Oxford are acting as consultants to the research group .
7 Similarly , since there are very few reported cases of sexual assault by women , save occasionally where they are acting as accomplices to men , few defendants would be female .
8 These aids are used as signals to the horse to tell him what we would like him to do .
9 Where shares are entitled to participate in surplus capital on a winding up , prima facie they participate in all surplus assets and not merely in that part which does not represent undistributed profits that might have been distributed as dividend to another class .
10 When a table is transferred into the Working-Set the entries are allocated as bundles to groups of lexicographers .
11 In Part Two , it will be referred to in a similar way ; or instance , insider approaches to evaluation will be discussed as a mode of professional accountability , and inspections and local authority schemes will be examined as responses to contractual accountability demands .
12 School meals and milk as well as education maintenance allowances increasingly came to be regarded as complements to a universal scheme of family allowances by its advocates rather than alternatives as had been argued , for example , at the Trades Union Congress in 1930 .
13 However , since explanations can be regarded as responses to explicit or implicit questions , the research into the pragmatics of questioning in the classroom provides hints about the pragmatics of explanation in the classroom .
14 The Hunters ' techniques can not , alas , be regarded as contributions to the state of the art as it then existed .
15 The banning of corporal punishment by statute ( from 1 5 August 1987 ) and the new procedures governing reinstatement of excluded pupils must be regarded as exceptions to the prevailing laissez-faire approach by Parliament towards punishment of pupils .
16 These collocations could be regarded as extensions to the base meaning of a particular word ; for example , in the case of ’ weak ’ , we could regard the base meaning as ’ lack of physical strength ’ and then acknowledge modifications to this base meaning when used in the context of describing solutions .
17 If the building is regarded as a complex structure , then damage to one part of the structure , caused by a hidden defect in another part , could be treated as damage to other property .
18 Somewhat less obviously , it has been argued that in certain circumstances States can be treated as parties to the Court 's exercise of its advisory jurisdiction .
19 Smaller fields , however , could be commercially developed onshore and fields as small as 50 Bcf might be an attractive proposition offshore , if they were to be developed as satellites to larger fields .
20 My my view is that er those proposals would still stand to be considered as departures to the structure plan .
21 Certain individuals must be named as respondents to the proceedings .
22 Fan letters , fanzines and the many SF conventions around the world can be seen as responses to such experiences of reading SF .
23 The Thomas Harris referred to was closely associated with the composer , and his signature may be seen as witness to Handel 's will and to its first three codicils ; in the fourth and last codicil he actually becomes a beneficiary .
24 Should the plan be discovered and Alianor be seen as party to the clandestine meeting , she could well find herself in danger , accused of shelving her responsibility for the lady Anne 's protection and honour …
25 Whatever the relationship between state and society , policies may be interpreted as responses to perceived social needs .
26 Back to back bar charts can be used as back to back stem and leaf displays were to compare two distributions .
27 Those programs that filter or rearrange the data write output files in the same format as the inputs , so that they may be used as inputs to the other applications .
28 This will not always be used as visits to departments or ward rounds may form part of the programme .
29 Formal risk assessment and evaluation methods should be used as aids to judgement , not as substitutes for it .
30 According to Cohen ( and , indeed , to related work such as that outlined by Hebdidge ) subcultural or gang life should be envisaged as resistance to these changes and forms of social subordination .
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