Example sentences of "[be] [verb] where we [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Er , certainly in the last well , all the time I 've been involved in developing these schemes , twenty seven twenty eight years now , we 've had a gradual increase over the years of involvement in the public , with the public and we 've been criticized where we have n't done so .
2 ‘ You 're forgetting where we found the photograph .
3 I warrant that your mama may be wondering where we have got to , we had better enbus for Saltdean .
4 Will be to arrive where we started
5 Characteristically he uses the imagery of song to point to the highest kind of contemplative experience of God : The Form unfolds a process of definition which comes full circle back to its beginning so that that can be understood in a new way : the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started And know the place for the first time .
6 We shall use suffix notation , in which a vector X in Cartesian coordinates is written where we assume i can take values 1 , 2 or 3 .
7 Cos the purpose of the exercise is for us to see how far we 've come , but the most important purpose of the exercise is to determine where we wan na go .
8 So that 's where the money 's going , and we 're hoping that we make enough money in sponsorship so that the money we earn , people will know that it 's all going out to help the projects we want to , and it 's not being wasted on administration , especially after there 's been erm a bit of a debark over Sting 's money , where only 5% went to the Indians and also the Rainforest Foundation has since collapsed , so our head-office is going to be absolutely stringent about making sure that the money is spent where we 've asked it to be spent .
9 Yeah , it 's identifying where we want to get it .
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