Example sentences of "[be] [verb] to [art] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 It was rebuilt in about 1700 BC , although to a significantly different plan and at a higher level , so that the lower wall-courses of the earlier temple and its west façade are still visible on the west side , now that the site has been excavated to the earlier courtyard level .
2 it may have been referred to a higher court .
3 Section 6(2) has already been dealt with in connection with violent disorder , and readers are referred to the earlier discussion .
4 Readers are referred to the earlier discussion .
5 In our case I believe it has helped all three of us. has been exposed to a greater variety of people and situations which may have contributed to his easy-going nature .
6 The ten per cent addition assumed by the Eighth Schedule was , as in the 1947 Act , measured by the external cube , but it has since been modified to the smaller of cube or internal floor space , and only relates now to buildings in existence on 1 July 1948 .
7 Most of these compositions , however , have a narrow scope ; they discuss issues of immediate concern to members of a particular occupation though sometimes they are addressed to a wider audience .
8 To summarise , again , survey evidence from Appendix 1 , people who had been educated to a higher level , who were more highly paid , or were in a higher social group , seemed more readily able than average to use APR or credit cost information in choosing among loan options .
9 When the mare basins were excavated the fragmentary material beneath them must have been compressed to a higher density than before .
10 There , four- and even five-year rotations , with only short grass leys between to restore soil structure and fertility , are quite normal on the ploughable land ; permanent grass or long leys are confined to the steeper or more difficult fields .
11 It is because of the concern expressed by my hon. Friend and others that the Government are committed to a further increase in the use of the ’ lane rental ’ method of procurement of motorway repairs .
12 We are committed to a saner transport policy including better public transport .
13 We are committed to a saner transport policy including better public transport .
14 We are committed to a saner transport policy including better public transport and this , as I mentioned , must ultimately benefit the majority of NFC employees .
15 These differences are related to the wider patterns of drug use in society at large in which females are proportionately less likely to engage in recreational drug use then males , as this and a number of earlier studies show ( for example , Belle and Goldman 1980 ) .
16 They are related to the larger group of long-horned cattle in Andalusia and perhaps also the longhorns of Britain and the ancient Hamitic long-horned cattle which migrated into Africa .
17 He had been moved to a higher class , seemed well adjusted and chatted a lot when she worked with him .
18 Unfortunately , the group did not define fetal distress , and the increased incidence may have been related to the higher rate of meconium staining of the amniotic fluid in spontaneous labours , which is to be expected at a later gestation .
19 Then it is difficult to get a lot/make a profit if you are selling to a smaller club .
20 ‘ The public is becoming aware of the strong likelihood of an increase in interest rates and are turning to the longer fixtures . ’
21 ( Crucible , I notice , has already been shifted to a lower point in the liturgical day , ) But what of the dilemma 's resolution ?
22 For example the sport of crown green bowling , which was very little known outside of the north of England , has been shown to a wider public ; the greens are often oddly bereft of spectators , and the northern accents of the players are plainly audible as they urge on their woods or confer solemnly as a pair over the last bowl of an important ‘ end ’ .
23 The outer points of the peltae are drawn to a greater height than are the central features , and terminate in a volute with tendrils .
24 At 1ngml -1 BMP-2 , growth is slightly inhibited and hindlimbs are affected to a greater extent than forelimbs ( data not shown ) .
25 Some ‘ disguised ’ forms of verbal aggression , such as gossip or ‘ calling a spade a spade ’ , are tolerated to a greater degree than physical attack or direct verbal abuse , but even gossip and frankness that conceal hostility are likely to produce complications in human relationships .
26 Claims for bereavement are restricted to a narrower class ( see 2.15 below ) .
27 Most often , though , lamas were stylistically portrayed as winged hybrid creatures and may have been linked to the later goddess-spirit who presided over the home and heart , Lamaria .
28 Some technological capabilities have been enhanced , but the main benefits have been restricted to the simpler parts of the industry .
29 Through the service of humanity , and by action in the cause of brotherhood , we are brought to a better understanding of Truth .
30 By the end of the seventeenth century the chaotic medley of titles which had been used in earlier generations to describe diplomats of different ranks had been reduced to a simpler system which in its main lines was accepted by most states .
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