Example sentences of "[be] [verb] have have a " in BNC.

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1 The Gothic , a more formidable opponent , might have been expected to have had a greater impact on the depiction of fictional living space .
2 Newspapers in North America suffered in the recession , but paid-for regional papers in the UK are said to have had a good year .
3 ‘ You 're going to have to have a fairly visible presence there for quite a while to put the authoritarian opponents on notice that we mean business . ’
4 No patient in this group could be considered to have had a successful and uneventful procedure .
5 There are reasons , therefore , why Britain might be expected to have had a somewhat higher than average share of its workforce in manufacturing industry .
6 These people might indeed be said to have had a right to move once again centre stage , and so it is hardly surprising to find among them the great names of the first Napoleonic age .
7 However , of Truman , Eisenhower , Kennedy , Nixon , Ford and Carter , none could be said to have had a decisive impact on the direction of domestic policy .
8 If anyone can be said to have had a ‘ finest hour ’ — although in this instance it was more a matter of finest days and weeks — it was the people of Fontanellato , and those for many miles around , who had showed such courage in helping the escaped prisoners without any hope or thought of recompense .
9 His parents published a collection of his letters in 1919 , The Letters of Charles Sorley , which the Manchester Guardian thought ‘ contained the first mature impressions of a nature which was all vigour and radiance , a boy who may be said to have had a genius for truth ’ .
10 Other economic unions , some short-lived and some longer-lived , in Africa , Asia and the Americas , have had a modicum of influence locally , but none can be said to have had a major influence in global terms .
11 Senescent Eskimos , for example , might be thought to have had a raw deal if the stories of the banishment from the familial hearth of those unfit to hunt and fish are to be believed .
12 It looks like I 'm going to have to have a go at doing the outline again from memory . ’
13 Virtually any Arts and Crafts or Art Nouveau building can be assumed to have had a highly elaborate shopfront beneath .
14 Recent warnings by prominent Quebec business leaders concerning the negative economic consequences of independence , coupled with the current economic recession , were thought to have had a sobering effect upon public opinion .
15 As we have already noted , the Bishop of Rome , in A. D. 318 , is reported to have had a meeting with Nazarean or Desposyni leaders directly descended from Jesus 's family .
16 The Golden Lion is said to have had a gallery but nothing now remains , though it has been referred to by word of mouth over many years .
17 But St Thomas Aquinas ( 1225–74 ) , the leading scholastic theologian , is said to have had a reaction against the spirit of his work .
18 Immediately before this crucial engagement , Constantine is said to have had a vision — later reinforced by a prophetic dream — of a luminous cross suspended in the sky .
19 Magnus is said to have led a blameless childhood and in the Longer Magnúss Saga he is said to have had a good schooling which enabled him to learn ‘ holy writings ’ .
20 The Verona instrument is said to have had a soundboard label , now lost , giving the date 1777 .
21 The woman is said to have had a relationship with Antonio Luciani , who is serving 20 years for drug offences .
22 The eruption of the volcano buried a town , Akrotiri , which is thought to have had a population originally of about 30,000 .
23 Jambo , 32 , is thought to have had a heart attack .
24 The couple were mown down yards from their home by a car driven by 47-year-old Jill Gunns , who is believed to have had a row with her boy-friend .
25 She is believed to have had a heart attack at Dingle Bay , Co Kerry .
26 The robber , aged about 20 and wearing a green hat , escaped in a G-registered burgundy-coloured Vauxhall Cavalier and is believed to have had a trilby-hatted accomplice in the car .
27 In addition , among those for whom a staff member responded only one in twelve of those admitted during the last year of the life was felt to have had a good quality of life during that time compared with nearly half ( 46 per cent ) of those who had been in a home for a year or more .
28 The book was said to have had a sizeable effect .
29 He was said to have had a family in Belgium at one point , known Janke Adler , met Gauguin in a park , scribbled all over the statues at L'Ecole des Beaux Arts when a student in Paris , and lost all his money when the Japanese had the bad taste to conquer his rubber plantations sometime during the confused struggle for Manchuria during the opening stages of the last big one .
30 However , publication of a poll of Rabin 's fellow retired generals and of senior officials of Mossad , the intelligence service , the same day , was thought to have had a decisive effect in allaying public fears over the security aspects of Labour 's policies .
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