Example sentences of "[be] [verb] in [art] long " in BNC.

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1 The more you manage to re-educate your eating habits , stretch and tone your body , the more likely you are to continue in the long term .
2 Two men had escaped the inrush but had been trapped in a long section of roadway ; they had lived together in the pitch dark and freezing cold for about 8 days , until overcome by poisonous gas ; there was no way in which they could have been saved in time had their position been known .
3 PhosphorImager analysis of Southern blots showed that all of the Ea DH sites had been reestablished in the Long 12 mouse ( see figure legend to Figure 4C ) .
4 Strict glycaemic control by using portable insulin pumps can arrest progression towards diabetic nephropathy , but this method 's safety must be considered in the long term .
5 They 're not always to be trusted in the long term , you know . ’
6 NSPCC brass FIVE young brass players will be appearing in the Long Room of Eaton Hall next week to raise money for the NSPCC .
7 It must be admitted that the famous mould may well have strayed upstairs from the cultures on the floor below , and is perhaps to be included in the long list of profitable discoveries which arose from a lapse in maintaining the highest standards of laboratory practice .
8 The main changes will be seen in the long run when you look back , so it is sometimes useful to have photographs taken of yourself just before , and just after , your course of lessons .
9 Its site , significantly , is visualized as private ; there are no buildings to be seen in the long perspective to the viewer 's right .
10 Sixth , there had been a very close bond established between the children which the justices felt very strongly should be preserved in the long term .
11 Cooperation seems to be less of an immediate necessity with market-determined exchange rates , but coordination of national policies still seems desirable if conflict and economic stagnation are to be avoided in the long run .
12 Exceptional victories by the youth XV , the U19s and U21s in recent times will be reflected in the long term .
13 Monetarists argue that increases in money supply have a large effect on aggregate demand ( certainly in the long run ) because the L curve is inelastic and investment is responsive to changes in interest rates ; but that this increase in aggregate demand will simply be reflected in the long run in higher prices : the AS curve is vertical .
14 Our efforts will be judged in the long term by our success with children who are already in ordinary schools but whose needs are not being met , for whatever reason .
15 Coffee will be served in the long drawing-room and , if you are to battle with me , may I remind you that it is to be in private .
16 Answer guide : The shortage of resources , although an effective short-term constraint , can invariably be overcome in the long term as the firm can take action to eliminate the constraint .
17 But whatever it is we decide to do , it must be continued in the long term .
18 I twisted around and almost blinded myself by staring straight into the sun , but then , through the dizzying glare , I made out the long silhouette of a tall man who seemed , incongruously , to be dressed in a long , transparent dressing gown .
19 This has saved thousands of Muslim lives that many predicted would be lost in the long Balkan winter .
20 This also enables any eventual profit to be kept in the long term , avoiding the problem that if it is retained , any eventual surplus would have to go back to the borrower .
21 The Spanish government may , of course , be hoping in the long term to be able to buy at least part of this collection at favourable rates ; otherwise it must simply be gambling on the Thyssen collection being a sufficiently spectacular and alluring feather in the cultural cap of the capital over the next ten years to make its considerable investment worthwhile .
22 The results will be implemented in a long term interpretation programme for the Park , a programme which hopefully will be adopted elsewhere .
23 Pétain was also a disciple of attrition , but in an entirely different sense from Joffre and Haig with their inhumanly simple calculations that the Germans could be beaten in the long run through losing man for man , by virtue of the Allied superiority in cannon fodder .
24 The Six had reverted to Schuman 's view that political union could be achieved in the long run through a sustained effort at economic integration across a broad front .
25 However if all union currencies are to survive in the long run , member countries can not pursue monetary policies independently of each other .
26 In a cumbersome way it seems to have done this fairly effectively , for it was difficult for an official to embezzle royal money without being exposed in the long run , although the run was often so long that he was dead before it finished .
27 The blocks were placed in a long tray which was just wide enough to accommodate them and the tray was then subjected to a series of sharp shocks , very similar to the succussion process .
28 They had arrived outside and her cases were deposited in a long silver car that Jenna thought must be a foreign make , probably Italian .
29 Their voices were rising in a long , edged , lifting cry like seagulls before a storm .
30 The cows were approaching in a long , strung-out line , plodding purposefully along beneath clouds of steam rising from their muddy flanks .
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