Example sentences of "[be] [verb] a large [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I have been given a large quantity of fabric and I would like to know if it would be suitable for painting in oils or acrylic .
2 When you are tackling a larger area — a whole wall , or perhaps even a complete room — you use exactly the same techniques ; the big difference is the sheer scale of the job , which makes the preliminary setting-out by far the most important part .
3 Forty-two affidavits were filed in this application ( mostly by the applicant when acting in person ) , and to those affidavits are exhibited a large number of documents .
4 ‘ Because you 're holding a large rock , ’ said Angalo flatly .
5 Erm We 're asking a large cross section of people and organisations around the country to help by allowing us to record their conversations , meetings broadcasts and so on , both in private homes and on company premises .
6 BOOKMAKERS are investigating a large scale copycat betting coup on the first race at Hackney yesterday .
7 We have been shown a large number of the judges ' orders which are reproduced in Dugdale 's Origines Juridiciales , 3rd ed. ( 1680 ) , ch. 70–72 .
8 But if they are experiencing on average a smaller rise , you would want to raise output , taking advantage of the high relative price on your island ; and if they are experiencing a larger rise you would want to reduce supply .
9 These parties of mine have become something of an institution , and I am expecting a large number of people to come in and give their comments on the results in various constituencies .
10 At the moment I am examining a large number of detailed proposals that have been put to me .
11 We are asking a large cross-section of people and organizations around the country to help by allowing us to record their conversations ,
12 The British Market Research Bureau , an independent market research agency , are asking a large cross section of people around the country to help with this task of , by recording their conversations .
13 On the other side of Europe , a century earlier , researches have shown the monastery of Fulda in the time of its abbot Hrabanus Maurus ( 822–42 ) to be administering a large network of parish churches .
14 Malone will also be parading a large squad of players tomorrow including giving former Armagh back Simon Willis a chance to show his paces at out-half with Ballymena 's Davy Nickel also getting a run-out .
15 His vision of the future also included a reduction in university support services for authors ; fewer editors working on more books ; cheaper typesetting and data processing costs ; significantly reduced print runs ( ‘ I expect 50 copies will be considered a large run for some titles ’ ) ; electronic customer catalogues ; improved customer service ; a merging of the jobs of copy editor , designer and production controller ; and dramatically improved distribution ( ‘ the 10 minute book run off locally in the shop could soon be a reality ’ ) .
16 Health and safety also applies on our roads and bearing in mind , we may be acquiring a large transport section , we should be seen to take an interest in not only our members ' safety , but the safety of others as well .
17 Another way of producing a picture that is botanically correct would be to choose a larger aperture ( rectangular is probably the easiest shape to work with ) and to show several pieces of the same plant .
18 A little way up on the left hand side is the Museum Dr Frederico Freitas where can be seen a large exhibition of engravings and porcelain .
19 You are seen to be pulling a large load across the stage .
20 A person may falsely believe that the horizontal moon , because it is perceived as being larger , must be presenting a larger appearance .
21 ( There were thought to be 2,600 West Africans , mostly Nigerians , in territory held by the NPFL ; attacks on Ghanaians and Nigerians were reported at the beginning of September , and Taylor , who was reported to be holding a large number of foreigners hostage , declared war on the ECOMOG force early in September . )
22 A practice with more patients needing expensive medicines will be set a larger amount .
23 The next stage of development will be to build a larger pilot plant .
24 Mr Falk seems to be putting a large proportion of the blame onto doctors for failing to give him proper preventative medical care .
25 At its home port , it was found to be carrying a large consignment of drugs .
26 Behind him I could see my mum , Emily and Mrs Quigley , who appeared to be carrying a large sheaf of corn .
27 Conversely , we could decide the question of whether a motorway should be built solely by considering whether landowners , whose property is to be acquired , will be properly compensated ; but to do so would be to ignore a large number of other important interests .
28 Where the lawn had been grew a large clump you could hardly call it a copse — of coconut palms .
29 The Royal Lyceum in Edinburgh , I believe , had a recent £200,000 deficit , but has been awarded a larger grant .
30 If graduated tests are to have a large measurement component then it seems that , as things stand at present , a significant number of girls will be disadvantaged .
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