Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [prep] [adj] first " in BNC.

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1 This was grievous enough , but there was worse : the confidence and coherence of the Austrian Army had been broken in these first weeks of the war , and it was never again to comprise an efficient military weapon .
2 In the case of black speakers , because LE is almost certainly their dominant language , though they may have been exposed to Creole first ; at any rate , the possibility that these occasional " Creolisms " are due to a carry-over from the " mother tongue " remains doubtful and unproven .
3 The Administration Centre has been expanding over this first year .
4 It had all happened so long ago , and she had found a successful career for herself in radio anyway , despite Luke 's having caused her to be dismissed from that first job back in South Africa and the subsequent need to abandon her Communications course , and as he himself had pointed out — oh , as she herself had always known deep down , hence her long-ago guilt — she had chosen to leave Johannesburg when her father was dying .
5 The other two scenarios will be developed around this first one , one being optimistic and the other pessimistic .
6 The second topic to be considered in this first section is integration .
7 There are other meanings to be drawn from this first sonnet , of course , but what is clear is that the poetic sequence of Astrophil and Stella may be seen announcing itself as a failure , a success , both , or neither .
8 Oligo(dT) itself can be used to prime first strand synthesis of cDNA .
9 The factor which most powerfully predicts deletion is deletion of the first plural element in the string ; if a plural in the phrase is going to be realized by [ s ] , there is a strong tendency for it to be realized on this first element .
10 In all , of the 350 commitments in the original White Paper , more than 200 have already been fulfilled in this first year alone and significant progress has been made with the remainder .
11 No decision had been taken in those first decades of the sixteenth century .
12 A complete first aid kit has been issued to each first aider which is kept ready to hand at their workplace .
13 ‘ The only odd thing is that according to the military history , the place had been overrun by American First Army , either the 3rd or 9th Division , I ca n't quite make out their boundary line , nearly two weeks before . ’
14 With the casualty beds still unoccupied the medical staff in hospital grew bolder in their attempts to help Fulham 's children , who were returning from this first evacuation in large numbers .
15 that 's , that 's the other thing when there 's only two of you involved and you , we were opening for that first sort of eighteen months five , six days a week just keeping on top of a day to day business does n't allow you to sit back
16 Only key stages 1–3 were affected during this first year .
17 England international Richard Knight has teamed up again with Berwick on their return to the Second Division after being linked with leading First Division teams .
18 The exception was Dawn Allenby , a woman in her thirties who had been engaged for this first production only and who , two days into rehearsal , had fallen heavily for Richard St Ives .
19 The origin of that primitive ‘ desire ’ is in all probability the same as the unknown origin of life , which in this book is relegated to that first pre-life period which made no contribution to the Created God except that it may have been the source of the basic origin of life .
20 Detailed analysis shows that the clean surface is relaxed relative to the bulk structure and that the oxygen occupies threefold sites in which it is bound to two first , and one second layer tungsten atoms .
21 In the old language andegari meant hawthorn , and a bush of that type probably at one time marked the external borders of the city of Mediolanum , although little or nothing is known of that first town .
22 By keeping the lower vee steeper than the other , we introduce what might be called a ‘ tail-effect ’ , so keep this in mind when you are practising for that first Rokkaku Challenge .
23 But he had been working on that first novel for at least ten years , ever since I 've known him .
24 He seemed a little tense , and looked past me at the bedroom door ; and I was reminded of that first day .
25 And when I was when I got to New York , I was met by two first cousins from two different families er Bert who 's er er nephew of my my mother 's sister Laura Anne in in New York , and another one , William who 'd been very successful vice president of or something .
26 Rates of remaining a never smoker in 1989 for the 2981 ( 98% ) for whom smoking status was known at this first follow up were 85% in the control group , 82% in the FSE group , 81% in the SAM group , and 84% in the FSE/SAM group .
27 Iain was to get in tough first of all with Tim Moulds to co-ordinate any lobbying .
28 Everyone had to carry a gas-mask at all times , and an air-raid practice was held on that first afternoon .
29 Lofoten was chosen for this first large raid because it offered a chance to hit back at the enemy as well as such economic targets as the destruction of fish oil supplies , which might impair German manufacture of nitro-glycerine and would reduce supplies of vitamin A and B capsules issued to German troops .
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