Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [prep] by the " in BNC.

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1 Whilst the Purchaser can accept that the Memorandum has not been prepared with the precision of a legal document ( and accordingly the warranty may require some modification ) nevertheless the core of the information contained in it has been relied on by the Purchaser in agreeing to buy the Business and to the extent that it does not appear in any of the other information which is being warranted by the Vendor , it should be warranted in its own right .
2 Alternatively , could the third party later retract the acceptance on the grounds that it was not written , and therefore could not have been relied upon by the parties to the Vienna Convention ?
3 Haverford asked on the children 's behalf , but they had already found it , scampering away through the display of giant dolls , plastic picnic tables , local cheese and wine , and returned resentful at having been glowered at by the resident guardian because they had n't understood the purpose of her saucer of lire .
4 Two neighbouring sections of the Act are relied upon by the Bank of England in support of their construction of section 39 .
5 The passengers had n't over-enjoyed their sojourn in the station , it appeared , as they had been fallen upon by the flock of pressmen who had taken Xanthe back again to the brink of hysteria , and had asked Mercer whether it was n't unwise to flaunt the privilege of wealth in his private car , and had n't he invited trouble by adding it to the train ?
6 The result was that a constituent of mine — and no doubt many hundreds of others who have just been referred to by the Minister as being included in the 1,200 people who received grants — was short changed and not given the full amount .
7 Argaw Tiruneh , appointed Minister of Housing and Town Development and of Construction , had been referred to by the radio on May 9 as Construction Minister .
8 Some languages quite openly exploit this belief : Janssen-Jurreit notes that in Konkani , a language of south India , there is a distinction between married women ( who are referred to by the feminine form ) and young or widowed women ( who get the neuter to mark their lesser status ) .
9 In the context of the Act , all writers , artists , composers and other originators or a work of art are referred to by the title ‘ author ’ .
10 I had all that I had wanted , peace and privacy , a day to myself before Crispin came , and an absolute compulsion to stay indoors and take another look at the poem that had been broken into by the tutorial in Cambridge .
11 The quiet and terrible peace of the death scene had been broken into by the need to measure , to check for fingerprints , and to find forensic debris .
12 Many , probably most , submitted schemes have little or no conservation implications but the attitude of the Committee to agricultural development schemes may be a factor explaining why extremely few schemes have been objected to by the NPA .
13 When these anxieties are ministered to by the products of the instant government under which we now with remarkable acquiescence subsist and are abetted by draftsmanship of the esoteric kind sometimes adopted by our professional brothers south of the border , we may expect to be confronted by problems of dimensions quite disparate to the simple issues which are essentially involved .
14 However , it has also been argued that women are discriminated against by the agents of the law , just as they are in other areas of life .
15 If American collectors are discriminated against by the record companies , as described in Mr Newman 's letter ( May ) , we in Australia fare far worse .
16 This may be dealt with in some way in the contract in that a certain notice period may have been specified and this may have been adhered to by the parties .
17 Erm the main difference between a non-executive director and a director basically is that the directors are added to by the shareholders and are re-elected at the annual general meetings .
18 In Bangladesh children under the age of five or six are looked after by the whole family .
19 The bureaucracy certainly needs streamlining : the immigrants are met initially by the Absorption Ministry , but once in the country many of their needs are looked after by the Jewish Agency , the semi-private organisation that dates back to the early years of Jewish settlement in Palestine .
20 As soon as they 're installed in the Green Room , guests are looked after by the Floor Manager .
21 I am conducting research into the education provision and support for young people who are looked after by the local authority .
22 The fissures between the employers ( large and small ) , the self-employed , and the rentiers , and between these categories and the ‘ salariat ’ of employed professional , managerial and technical workers , have been added to by the fissure between the private sector business salariat and the more newly expanding public sector salariat , so that the notion of the ‘ middle class ’ has virtually reached bursting point .
23 I I I I know er it 's been looked at by the D T I but has it been looked at by the treasury itself ?
24 I I I I know er it 's been looked at by the D T I but has it been looked at by the treasury itself ?
25 The issue has been looked into by the Monopolies and Mergers Commission and the Office of Fair Trading .
26 Her name was She-Who-Is-Alone and she had been looked after by the tribe since her parents and grandparents died in the famine .
27 The Malvern Hills have been looked after by the Conservators for around one hundred and ten years.Now they 're asking Parliament for more powers.And it 's that request which has led to controversy .
28 The Albanians of Yugoslavia ( not only those in Kosovo but also elsewhere , especially in Macedonia ) consider themselves to be an oppressed people , who have always been discriminated against by the Serbs , whether under the monarchy or under communist rule .
29 Such betrayals , when not over-taxing the as yet limited mental resources of the infant , are compensated for by the acquisition of new much praised skills and satisfactions .
30 To some extent they are compensated for by the availability of a wealth of clinical material , and by the experience of working in urban and rural communities .
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