Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [to-vb] out the " in BNC.

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1 The particular principles adopted relate to attitudes and stated priorities , so there are schools where something like the Danish approach is used , and other schools where committees have been formed to set out the principles of a formal system comparable to SEE or SE .
2 The new clauses are designed to set out the structure for a funding council skeleton on which such structures would be built .
3 They are designed to cut out the reflective glare that can be potentially harmful to someone spending long hours working in front of a computer screen .
4 They are designed to cut out the reflective glare that can be potentially harmful to someone spending long hours working in front of a computer screen .
5 They still have all the advantages of slings and are designed to balance out the child 's weight more evenly .
6 c ) The stakes which have been installed to mark out the areas of additional planting on the Sighthill Section of the Bypass .
7 We term this the level of computer architecture , at which a set of logically integrated hardware functions are programmed to carry out the processing of data .
8 Although we have a clearer picture than we did of long-term changes in demography and household structure , little has been done to fill out the picture in terms of living experience .
9 Further to our meeting last Friday , I am writing to set out the advice and assistance that we are able to provide in connection with the intended sale of Older Business Limited .
10 In connection with the role you have asked me to undertake in the dispute between Mr D Smith and the other directors of and shareholders in Smith & Co Limited , I am writing to set out the nature of the responsibilities which you wish me to perform .
11 There 's a bloody riot going on , the town is crammed with nigs , er blacks , and they are looking to sort out the Young Conservatives .
12 ‘ Like many others , I welcome the concession that has been made to leave out the airline staff and the railway employees and all the others that are left out by the dropping of clause 54(4) .
13 A request has been made to read out the module to be updated but this has been unsuccessful .
14 Police are wanting to find out the events leading up to the death , and work out the motive for the killing .
15 The problem is compounded when attempts are made to find out the costs of individual services when subsidies are paid line-by-line , rather than for whole sectors ; yet this is what RENFE 's 1984 programme contract with the state claimed to achieve ( RENFE 1984a : 80 ) .
16 " And I suppose you 're going to slip out the kitchen door , " she continued , " which you might be able to do if you time it right and both Mrs James and Mr Gerard are distracted but how are you going to bet back in ? "
17 ‘ We 're going to ride out the storm . ’
18 You 're going to write out the questions and I 'm going to give your questions to another person and then you 're going to get it back to mark it .
19 They 're from one of the country Women 's Institutes , and they 're coming to check out the suitability of the bush walk for a much larger party — most of them elderly .
20 ‘ We 're trying to point out the buildings which have stood the test of time ; buildings built by craftsmen who knew what they were doing , who used quality materials , ’ she added .
21 And we 're trying to find out the opp so we want something that ties up opp and adjacent .
22 You are requested to set out the different theories of the purposes of criminal punishment ( general and particular deterrence , incapacitation , reformation , ethical retribution ) and to consider whether any of these theories can be used to support the conviction in R .
23 The hangar doors on the farthest building had been opened to bring out the helicopter .
24 Adjustable compensating magnets are fitted and these are used to take out the effect of deviation when the compass is checked ( " swung " ) .
25 The design we are going to talk about is a DIY design in that , apart from a 555 timer and 4001 NOR gate chip , discretes are used to carry out the various circuit operations and the system is capable of being modified for those who like a starting point and then like to experiment .
26 Pupils are helped to work out the rules and patterns for themselves and to try out the new language forms .
27 They are required to think about the new language and with guidance are helped to work out the rules of grammar for themselves .
28 I am going to point out the arguments for culling .
29 Tell your audience that you are going to spell out the names of a complete suit of cards and , each time you spell out a letter , you are going to take the top card and place it on the bottom .
30 We are aiming to straighten out the World Council of Churches on their Southern Africa policy .
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