Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [to-vb] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The argument so far has been intended to put forward the possibility that an art work or image could be official and coercive , and unofficial and subversive , all at the same time .
2 It had not originally been intended to carry on the research after that date , but it was so successful that finding was obtained to set up a panel study .
3 The Soviet neutralisation plan for the Persian Gulf may have been intended to open up a strategic dialogue on a broad front to enable Soviet diplomats to introduce Western military preponderance in the Gulf region tacitly or explicitly into the negotiation process for the limitation of Soviet military influence in other regions .
4 Necessary jobs are helping to clear up the smaller branches and making a start on repointing the bridge itself .
5 In the Countess 's childhood , before the Revolution , and before Belgium had been liberated from Austrian rule by the French , women had been taught to glide along a floor , their feet hidden by wide skirts and their slippers barely leaving the polished boards .
6 The particular principles adopted relate to attitudes and stated priorities , so there are schools where something like the Danish approach is used , and other schools where committees have been formed to set out the principles of a formal system comparable to SEE or SE .
7 The financial resources proposed by the secretary of state to support the strategy are intended to move over a 5 year period from 0.8% of the total NHS budget to a target of 1.5% .
8 The posters are intended to cheer up the staircase , which is in urgent need of renovation .
9 These studies are intended to describe precisely the types of difficulty in recognising faces experienced by some stroke patients .
10 Enhancement in this context means the carrying out of works which are intended to lengthen substantially the useful life of the asset , to increase substantially its open market value , or to increase substantially the extent to which the asset will serve the purposes of the local authority concerned .
11 Turkey 's state-owned Posts , Telegraphs & Telephone Administration is inviting rebids for the contract to set up a Groupe Speciale Mobile digital cellular system : bids had already been received to set up the system on a revenue-sharing basis , but the tender was withdrawn after the PTT decided to set up the system on a concession basis instead .
12 The families of two teenage joyriders shot dead by troops in Belfast are demanding to know why the checkpoint patrol had to kill them .
13 Nevertheless , if we are to try to understand how the Universe works , we should pay as much attention to its death as to its birth .
14 In the UK , and in the USA , the first step has been to try to set up an assessment procedure ( Simpson , 1981 ) ; then to consider how training might best be implemented .
15 Our policy has been to try to build up a great team and not to weaken our playing strength , and it was for this reason that we accepted the offer made .
16 COACHING CONTROLLER CARDS : These cards are designed to speed up the pace at which you can get information from your hard disk .
17 A plant 's leaves are ideally placed to detect day length , for they are designed to pick up the sun 's light for photosynthesis .
18 The new clauses are designed to set out the structure for a funding council skeleton on which such structures would be built .
19 They are designed to cut out the reflective glare that can be potentially harmful to someone spending long hours working in front of a computer screen .
20 They are designed to cut out the reflective glare that can be potentially harmful to someone spending long hours working in front of a computer screen .
21 They still have all the advantages of slings and are designed to balance out the child 's weight more evenly .
22 Supplements therefore are designed to make up the basic food ingredients and balance them to keep the horse healthy .
23 Collectors are recommended to study closely the books and prices in any sale especially devoted to the works from this selection of presses as well as from other presses , particularly if sound investment is a consideration .
24 It becomes possible to envisage a sequence of shots in which real pieces of connected action are linked together by shots which are included to fill in the continuity gaps .
25 This paragraph speaks of the ‘ many distinctive gifts and talents that women offer to the Church ; ’ in it the bishops state : ‘ We believe the time if overdue for more positive attitudes about your participation in the life of the Church and we recognise with regret that you have often been permitted to play mainly a limited and often inferior part in the Church .
26 No other party has officially confirmed they will be contesting the election but the SDLP are expected to put up a candidate .
27 The banks are expected to take up an investment stance which is not their true role .
28 Ministers are expected to take up the fight in the next few days and urge the banks that , at a time of national economic crisis , they must do their bit .
29 Between now and Easter , thousands are expected to take up the invitation .
30 ‘ Our Quality Charter states that NICMA members are expected to work out a policy on discipline which does not include smacking children , ’ she said .
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