Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [adv] and the " in BNC.

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1 The advantages of a rational approach to planning are given here and the breadth of these should alert the reader to the importance of the planning process in providing guidelines to secure organisational effectiveness .
2 I would therefore hold that where there is a split trial or more accurately , in relation to a non-jury case , a split hearing , any party may appeal without leave against an order made at the end of one part if he could have appealed against such an order without leave if both parts had been heard together and the order had been made at the end of the complete hearing .
3 The functions are listed horizontally and the parts vertically .
4 The functions are listed horizontally and the parts vertically .
5 For example , inside , the stations of the cross had been arranged counter-clockwise and the decorations were way ‘ over the top ’ .
6 As soon as they are replaced they are broken again and the church authorities are considering wire netting as a protection .
7 The practical examinations are arranged individually and the fee is , at present , £70 per candidate ( the fees for candidates taking the examination overseas are available on request ) .
8 David Reynolds said after the money had been rammed home and the tone had cycled , ‘ Carson , are you alone ? ’
9 The clearing of Wychwood Forest had almost been completed now and the demand for ploughing increased beyond all his expectations .
10 Advances in all aspects of low energy ion scattering are occurring rapidly and the breadth of these applications will certainly expand in the near future .
11 Frequently , however , there is also an ingrowth of the sternum near their origin so that they are carried inwards and the whole forms a Y-shaped structure , the furca , whose internal arms may become fused with the pleural arms or are connected with them by short muscles .
12 The mouth and chin had been torn away and the jaw broken .
13 ‘ But what you see is a huge , hot swollen , painful limb because of all the damage that 's been done within and the kid is in terrible pain .
14 ‘ The main thing is that we 're bubbling again and the lads know we can do much better . ’
15 erm from yesterday er I think meself personally I 'm very methodical sort of person and I felt what was most important the revelations meself was thought patterns and the use of most structured structured in a presentation and also the importance I could n't believe how that using them made such a difference actually to yourself when you 're standing there and the audience participation erm thought patterns well I 've always used that was just a revelation I mean I 've never
16 just say you 're sitting there and the lava all just comes down .
17 it 's also the animal so that you 're actually left with three er words that sound the same , two of which are spelt differently and the third which is the name of an animal , okay .
18 Half way along we had to stop for a couple of hours because the ‘ road ’ had been washed away and the people who were travelling had to clear it .
19 Many tournament organisers miscalculate entry levels with the result that adjacent areas are crowded together and the competitors ' safety is imperilled .
20 The military reactors at Savannah River are getting old , one having been closed permanently and the other three being closed pending extensive repairs .
21 Arrangements are going well and the programme is taking shape .
22 He 'd been born there and the Burnses had been part of the village for generations .
23 Some decisions are shared equally and the remainder are split between husband and wife .
24 All notes , symbols and text are entered here and the majority of the editing also .
25 If further confirmation is needed , the chain lines are running horizontally and the watermark is hovering in the centre of the page on the inner margin .
26 Well I I actually must have read completely different to anybody else from what I 've been hearing , erm the way I looked at it , the situation that we have locally compared with what David was saying about the national erm what government are doing nationally and the situation we have here in Cambridge city .
27 If district councils in Northern Ireland are to have a meaningful role in promoting tourism and job creation within their areas , can the Secretary of State give us an assurance that he will ask the planners to deal more sympathetically with applications that have district council approval for facilities to cater for the tourists who are coming now and the many more that we expect in the future ?
28 ‘ At the moment the big givers appear to have been giving more and the smaller ones less , ’ Fountain says .
29 By the end of the week the threads had been brought together and the outline of the report decided .
30 The eggs are laid here and the tadpoles will stay in their privileged and exclusive water until rain raises the level of the main pool and floods their quarters or breaks down the walls .
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