Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [adv] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 His orders are to kill as many people as he can , ’ I answered .
2 It does seem an anachronism that the Australian government could in theory be sacked by the Queen in London , particularly as both countries are devoting much greater attention to their regional interests .
3 Companies are devoting very low attention — at least in terms of money — to controlling investment ’ .
4 Perhaps it is because the fishermen have been demonstrating so much recently that they have not been catching so much fish . ’
5 The aircraft had been flown already that day , before refuelling for Herr Hess 's trip , and the motor was still warm .
6 You 've just been seeing too many films .
7 All these descriptions are given richly sensuous images .
8 ( Medical students are given just 8 weeks for a unit on obstetrics and gynaecology , for example . )
9 Ways of teaching RE to young children have received too little attention , and teachers are given woefully little training — consequently the one mentioned in the article is probably left to teach as she was once taught .
10 Similar arguments might be advanced with respect to the measures of economic deprivation , which are presented as items five and six in table 9.7 and are given extremely low weight in the assessment of GRE , compared with the multiple use of housing indicators and of measures of ethnic origin .
11 If there is one lesson to emerge from consideration of the changing balance of dependence and independence in old age , it is the flexibility and adaptability for which old people are given so little credit .
12 If more than two sets of x , y coordinates are given then each pair in the sequence will be joined by a straight line .
13 Sometimes the auditors are given more specific instructions about how they are to conduct the valuation .
14 After Peniel , when for a night Jacob also , so unheroic hitherto , played a hero 's part , we are given more subtle comedy and another hero brought down to earth .
15 Indeed , in many industries there would be little point in raising the skill level unless workers are given more advanced capital equipment on which to work .
16 For low risk junctions , however , a quite different effect emerges , high risk exemplars are given significantly fewer descriptions than both medium and low risk exemplars , p<0.05 .
17 This interaction in Figure 7.1 is particularly interesting , the multiple comparisons show that for high risk junctions both high and medium risk exemplars are given significantly more descriptions than low risk exemplars , p<0.01 .
18 The most risky situations , high risk exemplars of high risk junctions are given significantly more descriptions that are clearly not related to risk than any other type of situation .
19 If there is no preparedness to see extensive nationalization of the worst offending corporations and if there is no political or national will to place public officials on the boards of directors to guarantee that ‘ our ’ interests are given as much consideration as those of the corporation , then clearly the will to control corporations has atrophied in the withering light of pragmatism .
20 All are given relatively straight interpretations , and remain resolutely unexciting and , indeed , uninteresting .
21 Furthermore , there is no shocked outcry from the mass media if such criminals are given relatively minor sentences .
22 Conservationists expect the government to rely on the existing network of 5,800 sites of special scientific interest ( SSSIs ) , which are given only limited protection under the 1981 Wildlife and Countryside Act .
23 First , textual effects are given only secondary importance : " style , manner , vocabulary and imagery may be borrowed , but personality is inalienable " .
24 If this is the argument it neglects the fact that statutory bodies are given very specific powers .
25 It 's no good just saying you can report fraud er to er t t to the regulator , they should also be responsible to the shareholders , the stake holders , everybody involved er in er er er a company er and in fact er they are n't they have really responsibility to no one except the directors er who appoint them , the company share holders are given very little information , the choice of auditors er is firmly in the director 's director 's hands , the depositors , the consumers , the employees er have no say er in the appointment of er auditors and more important the recent legal cases for instance and the Al Saudi Bank er er and Berg er sons er and company also decided that er auditors do n't owe a duty of care er to individual shareholders , potential investors , the current or potential creditors er even though that information is supposed to be there to help markets understand what is happening to that committee and the government showed no indication that it wants to reverse these judgements , it should reverse them , there should be specific responsibilities attached to er auditors to give them a duty of care er so that we get the information er and er spend more widely and the share holders and the stake holders know what 's going on er er er as well as er the bank or the financial er institution er itself .
26 Do you think students are given too much time to respond to each stimulus or not enough ?
27 These are given vibrantly live performances by Thomas Zehetmair and Malcolm Frager , who play an 1805 Broadwood fortepiano .
28 During the 20th century the average person in Western society has been eating too much fat and too little fibre .
29 Also , the lift capacity , which looks good on paper , may disappoint if you are using very heavy implements .
30 ‘ This is endorsed by our experience in the market place where employers are using more temporary staff while assessing the strength of recovery and to give themselves greater flexibility , ’ she added .
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