Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [adj] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A much more likely explanation of Libet 's findings is simply that all experiences are delayed relative to the stimulus causing them , so that synchronous external events produce synchronous experiences .
2 But that rescue mission had been stopped dead by the presence of the twenty thousand Frenchmen encamped in Frasnes who had been sent by the Emperor to make sure that the allied armies did not combine .
3 Strange sounds are heard live over the loud speaker monitors , some times spoiling the recordings .
4 Robert King 's series of concerts and workshops are proving invaluable at a time when authentic performance , a long time in its coming to these northern parts , is fast developing its own passionate audience .
5 Meanwhile piles of brightly coloured resisters are proving irresistible to the four-year-old .
6 From the six potential exemplars three films were chosen of each junction , one low risk , one medium risk and one high risk , the three levels of exemplar risk are assigned relative to the junction mean again using the mean risk rating from Study 2 .
7 The production of up-to-date Class Lists has been delayed due to the tardy response of teachers to requests for current details .
8 Some are listed adjacent to the term to which they are to be applied and in the form in which they are to be applied in the main list .
9 Modules in which competences are developed applicable in a range of contexts .
10 Although there was an attempt to introduce some competition for BT , this has been limited due to the natural monopoly position of parts of the telecommunications industry .
11 You trust the judgement of a man whos been proven right over the last 5 years .
12 Not only that but Carter USM are rounding off their American tour at the Academy with support from Thousand Yard Stare — and Boston 's 360s , who are joined onstage by a desperate Inger Lorre , formerly of the Nymphs , who flaunts her way embarrassingly through three songs and rants occasionally about women-power .
13 They crossed the jetty to a large wooden door , which had been propped open with a three-legged stool .
14 This section does not cover failure of public transport services caused by strike , riot or civil commotion in respect of which warning has been given prior to the commencement of departure from home .
15 Strike , riot or civil commotion in respect of which a warning has been given prior to the date this insurance is purchased .
16 The old program is deleted ( as if a NEW command had been given prior to the LOAD ) and all the dynamic variables are cleared .
17 The cast-iron bath continues the Victorian theme and has been painted pink on the outside to fit in with the rest of the decor .
18 POLICE cells in Hastings , Sussex , have been painted pink in a bid to relax violent prisoners .
19 At the back of the platform was a fence , and although it had apparently been painted white in the early 1900's , in later years the paint had peeled off and bushes had grown up on the cutting side to provide a new backdrop to the isolated platform beside the overgrown railway .
20 If you enjoy walking , this could be heaven there are over 80 kms of marked paths to keep you occupied and walks are arranged weekly with an English speaking guide , both easy and strenuous .
21 Working flat out to keep up with demand , bales of yarn are stacked ready for the next load by Despatch Foreman , Peter McCall .
22 He had been stripped naked in the oil store , where the incident had occurred during their very first month as apprentices , and his clothes triumphantly borne aloft to the plating shop to be washed in one of the hot water tanks .
23 He is provincial ; and I am using provincial as a word of high praise .
24 It is expected that a draft of the proposed Railway Clearing House submission will have been completed prior to the meeting so as to form a basis for discussion .
25 But I did n't go to the altar ; to be honest it was n't for lack of offers , but because they always seemed to come from people I would n't have been caught dead at an altar with .
26 When she was n't required for her scene in the court room of Alexandria she was fetching and carrying and dabbing calamine lotion on the shoulders of John Harbour who , earlier in the day , had been broiled pink as a lobster by inexpertly using a sun-lamp .
27 Some plants and animals are becoming scarce in the intensely farmed parts of East Lothian but here is a chance to ensure that you will see them .
28 Things are becoming intolerable at the club these days and the boot sale is only part of it .
29 Ironically , such speedups are becoming limited by the fastest thing in the universe : the speed of light .
30 The old and needed services for customers are becoming non-existent on the Tube .
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