Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [noun pl] to the " in BNC.

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1 A group of venture scouts has been bringing smiles to the faces of children from refugee camps in Bosnia .
2 The West , the Atlantic world , may have been firing rockets to the moon and fighting a war in Indochina , but the benefit of hindsight indicates now that in other ways it was gripped by a blinkered and introspective mood , absorbed by its own internal problems .
3 The HCIMA moderators are responsible to the Association , through the Education and Development Committee , for maintaining standards , for interpreting and implementing HCIMA assessment and examination regulations and for ensuring that centres are operating programmes to the required standard .
4 Police are seeking witnesses to the accident on the B1257 at Clay Bank , near Chop Gate .
5 Unliquidated debts are not counted , and neither are secured debts to the extent of the security .
6 Because you 're going to get into a situation where you 're taking amendments to the amendment and you well with great respect I think you would be better to duck out at this stage .
7 The next , you 're making speeches to the wind .
8 So we find , by the end of the fourteenth century , that persons are directing petitions to the Chancellor , claiming that they have at least a moral right to the benefit of these uses , and begging him to give them help against the legal owner who is setting up his Common Law rights against them .
9 Another fake defector operating at the same time was Top Hat ( whose real name remains unknown ) , who also planted a lot of false information on the West through the Americans but did in 1965 expose the spy Frank Bossard , who worked in the Missile Guidance Branch at the Air Ministry and had been selling secrets to the GRU for some while .
10 Most of us are aware that the traditional aims of death education have been to socialise individuals to the inevitable event in their lives .
11 The Thames region supports about 12,000,000 people , er and just the pressures of modern living are adding pressures to the environment , I mean that 's happening all around us .
12 Next you will tell me they are sending aeroplanes to the stars , just like to London . ’
13 Indian software companies are sending programmers to the US to undertake this type of work .
14 Since magistrates are no longer able to make approved school orders , it appears that some are sending children to the higher courts for possible custodial sentences .
15 Opposition parties led by the Sri Lanka Freedom Party ( SLFP ) tabled a no confidence motion , due for debate in October , over revelations that the security forces had been providing arms to the LTTE in late 1989 .
16 The only effective options for the state are to reduce concessions to the working class or increase taxation further ; the first solution would undermine state legitimacy and the second creates an unresolvable crisis of legitimacy .
17 On 6 January 1991 , the inspector swore an affidavit indicating that he would be submitting papers to the Board with a view to issuing a notice .
18 Instead of giving priority to private enterprise , as it has done until now , the government should be channelling funds to the Soprintendenze , so that they can act effectively , working together with the universities , the regions , the church authorities , and research institutes active in this field .
19 The primary demand on him will be to restore Wanderers to the national league 's first division in time for the club 's 125th anniversary in two years ' time .
20 In his veto message Bush said that if China was presented with such an ultimatum " the result will be weakened ties to the West and further repression " .
21 Open systems are also likely to play a part in the Highlands economy which is set to be revitalised thanks to the ISDN telecommunications system recently installed by British Telecommunications Plc in the area .
22 In order to discover what the patient can and can not do , the nurse will be seeking answers to the following questions :
23 Those questions will soon be answered thanks to the imminent arrival of undisputed world champions , Australia .
24 ‘ I 'm selling subscriptions to the twentieth century . ’
25 The meeting has already attracted great interest from smaller nations which will be sending teams to the Olympics , and they will be accommodated in a one-and-a-half hour ‘ warm-up ’ before the principle events get under way at 7.30pm and are beamed out live to a world-wide audience by Screensport .
26 This year 's events attracted more official attention than before since Wales will be sending sides to the World and Hong Kong Sevens in 1993 .
27 ‘ When theft is alleged and that which is alleged to be stolen passes to the defendant with the consent of the owner , but that has been obtained by a false representation , has ( a ) an appropriation within the meaning of section 1(1) of the Theft Act 1968 taken place , or ( b ) must such a passing of property necessarily involve an element of adverse inference with or usurpation of some right of the owner ?
28 ‘ When theft is alleged and that which is alleged to be stolen passes to the defendant with the consent of the owner , but that has been obtained by a false representation , has ( a ) an appropriation within the meaning of section 1(1) of the Theft Act 1968 taken place , or ( b ) must such a passing of property necessarily involve an element of adverse inference with or usurpation of some right of the owner ?
29 ‘ When theft is alleged and that which is alleged to be stolen passes to the defendant with the consent of the owner , but that consent has been obtained by a false representation , has , ( a ) an appropriation within the meaning of section 1(1) of the Theft Act 1968 taken place , or , ( b ) must such a passing of property necessarily involve an element of adverse interference with or usurpation of some right of the owner ?
30 And tomorrow night we 'll be hearing reactions to the possibility of VAT being added to books and newspapers , another area thought likely to be targetted by the Chancellor .
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