Example sentences of "[be] [noun] to [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Loose fit ’ , in a word , works better in poetry than ‘ tight fit ’ ; there are roads to wisdom besides the painstaking perverse originality of twentieth-century writers .
2 A well-lit position and dryish compost are keys to success with poinsettia
3 Climate is determined by all kinds of influences : distance from the equator , direction of wind ( which in general tends to be east to west around the equator , because the Earth spins from west to east ) , the distribution of the land masses and the proximity of water , and the positions and height of mountains .
4 Pask stonewalled , claiming variously that he had no staff to answer questions , that only one boiler-maker in Britain was capable of making unit boilers for large sets , that they would encounter operational difficulties , that there would be economies to replication of smaller sets , that larger sets were more expensive than small ones , and that station layouts would not accommodate them .
5 It might be convention to lunch in the executive suite .
6 In a few seconds time he might be face to face with the man who had killed Daniel .
7 She found it hard to believe that a Press Officer would be party to evidence of this nature .
8 The curtains — drapes — in the latest Hebridean ferries are floor to ceiling with tie-backs and the carpets are wall to wall .
9 As a cultural formation it was of type ( iii ) , though there were overlaps to membership of political societies , within the broad formation ( e.g. , the Revolution Society ) .
10 These were back to back on the long side-walls each with their Habitat anglepoise , Roland 's black , Val 's rose-pink .
11 and I wanted to clarify that , and make sure that our procedures actually were back to back with contract procedure .
12 She crawled along to it , and a moment later they were face to face through a large chink , Tristram grinning , his teeth white and his face sun-darkened , and the sight of him made her feel safe and loved again , as if she had arrived home .
13 She felt as if they were face to face with an inquisitor .
14 But , according to Habermas , implicit within the form of communication are claims to validity at a number of levels : ‘ truth ’ ( representing facts ; referring to the extended world of nature ) , ‘ rightness ’ ( establishing legitimate interpersonal relations ; referring to our world of society ) , ‘ truthfulness ’ ( expression of the speaker 's subjectivity ) and ‘ comprehensibility ’ ( the domain of language ) .
15 It is home to wildlife including hippos , crocodiles , monkeys , bucks , cheetahs , and several dozen species of birds , as well as a complex dune forest .
16 THE cricket season it would appear is back to front with the excellent weather coming late in the summer and the two principal magazines which cover the sport , only hitting the news-stands in the last couple of weeks .
17 THE cricket season it would appear is back to front with the excellent weather coming late in the summer and the two principal magazines which cover the sport , only hitting the newsstands in the last couple of weeks .
18 The Bill will work better if it is implemented properly , if there is access to training for all who want it , if there are flexible patterns of employment to enable nurses to stay in the work force following post-basic training and if community care — where they will be doing their work — is implemented and fully funded .
19 If a killer thinks , even if only for a split second , that it is face to face with an owl or an eagle , it is very likely to back away and this may give the harmless bluffer enough time to escape .
20 Your heroine makes a pointed remark , the mysterious man she is face to face with comes back with something yet sharper , more menacing .
21 Truth can not be confined to traditional religions , nor can any particular religion claim to have a monopoly of Truth , for where that kind of particularization of the Ultimate takes place , we are face to face with what Tillich calls demonization .
22 If we are face to face with the person sending the message , then we notice what they are doing with their face , eyes , and body while speaking : maybe they smiled , or shook their fist , or looked away .
23 There are references to mustard in Shakespeare : it is the name of one of the fairies in A Midsummer Night 's Dream , Mustard-seed , and in Henry IV , Part 2 , Shakespeare refers to " Tewkesbury mustard " , Tewkesbury then being the centre for making it .
24 In the classical liberal view trade unions , like business monopolies , are impediments to competition among producers in the free marketplace .
25 ‘ Things of value are death to peace of mind . ’
26 Within North Yemen there was opposition to unification among some militant Moslem Brotherhood groups , on the grounds that the Islamic basis of legislation in the Moslem north could be undermined by the " pagan-dominated " Marxist southern Yemen Socialist Party ( YSP ) .
27 It had been a long day for our guests , as they had left La Loupe at 1Opm on the Friday evening , so it was home to bed for a good night 's sleep , ready for a full day exploring on the Sunday .
28 A closed van was coming fast from the other direction , and the Montego was nose to tail with the car in front of it .
29 Although Southall likes to wear black — he was head to toe in it on international duty for Wales in Belgium on Wednesday — he has n't lost his colourful sense of humour .
30 What nobody ever did was go to bed with someone because he was virtuous . ’
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