Example sentences of "[be] [noun] who [verb] him " in BNC.

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1 And here were people who wanted him not just for the name on the letter-head , but because they thought he could make a positive contribution .
2 There were people who provided him with houses — such as that in Bethany — which were comfortable and large enough to accommodate , at the very least , his immediate entourage .
3 So th let's look then back at this illustration for a moment , this incident , Jesus then gets er a few of his disciples and they go out , in the boat , and there are others who follow him , they get into their boats quite likely , quite possibly that many of the others would have been followers of Jesus , some of his other disciples , it 's unlikely in these very small little er lakeside fishing boats that many of disciples would have got in , there might have been four or five of them that would have been about the lot and so the others would have got into some of the other boats which were nearby and , and others are the people that had been listening to Jesus , they too get into boats , and they pull out following him , wanting to hear if he 's got anything more to say , wanting to witness anything else that he 's gon na do , they wan na be there to see and to hear what Jesus has to say and is going to do .
4 A lot of Alfie 's adventures are shared by his little sister Annie Rose , but it is Dad who takes him camping , very close to home .
5 Eventually , it was David who found him a good ship and carefully guided him through the process .
6 The Lebanese man in the dock says he was invited back to the flat , and it was Kim who threatened him with a knife .
7 It was Morris who encouraged him to go to London , recommending him to J. D. Sedding [ q.v. ] , the church architect .
8 When it came to electing a successor to the deposed Archbishop Fitzherbert at Richmond ( North Riding ) on 24 July 1147 , Bishop William opted for Henry Murdac [ q.v. ] , favourite of the Yorkshire reformers , against King Stephen 's candidate ; presumably it was Murdac who released him from the suspension he incurred for failing to attend the Council of Reims in March 1148 .
9 Seven years later it was Meg who got him the audition on TV 's Opportunity Knocks which was to give him his big break .
10 It was Peters who chided him about his frail physique , which led to his regular attendance at August 's Gymnasium , which was in the basement of Apley Hall .
11 He had a winging moustache and a goatee beard but he moved tentatively , uncertainly , and Melanie guessed it was Finn who worked him .
12 It was Katya who recognized him first , excitedly letting him into the kitchen , hugging him and kissing his cheeks and his eyes .
13 One of the men he approached was Spurgeon who gave him this characteristic response : ‘ I sit on my own gate , and whistle my own tunes , and am quite content . ’
14 It was Chris who prodded him into handing over to Patrick .
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