Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [conj] at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In the literature a " simple " material is referred to as one in which the stress depends only on the history of the deformation gradients F ( dependence on higher-order gradients has been considered but at present seems to be of little practical value ) .
2 But this account of achieving grace by the easy means of a self-chosen deprivation did nothing to mitigate the deeper shame ; some original wrong had been done and at home this was known .
3 No further issues have been made and at April 1988 this represents the cumulative total issued since the introduction of SDRs .
4 No such regulations have been made and at present the government has no plans to make any .
5 More recently , however , party and interest group practice has been seen as at odds with liberal-democratic theory .
6 The open sewer in the high street looked as if it had never been cleaned and at times we squelched ankle deep in human excrement .
7 The spandrels at Horkstow are figured whereas at Winterton they contain a heart-shaped cantharus .
8 There should be electoral regions , in which three quarters of the seats should be filled as at present by constituency members and one quarter by additional members .
9 Until these issues have been resolved all patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy should be regarded as at risk of deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism .
10 The actual payment to pharmacists will continue to be made as at present .
11 The underlying point is that much more can and should be done than at present by librarians and information scientists to bring order and control to the myriad of business information sources that they are called upon to handle .
12 So , after lunching at one of the excellent local inns , we contented ourselves with making a wide sweep South to the River Dove and back up to the Derwent , — stopping at Castleton which , with its show caves and fluorspar ( Blue John stone ) mines should n't be missed and at Eyam which was so badly ravaged by the pestilence of 1665/6 that it is still known as The Plague Village .
13 So , after lunching at one of the excellent local inns , we contented ourselves with making a wide sweep South to the River Dove and back up to the Derwent , — stopping at Castleton which , with its show caves and fluorspar ( Blue John stone ) mines should n't be missed and at Eyam which was so badly ravaged by the pestilence of 1665/6 that it is still known as The Plague Village .
14 That will only be so if the unbelieving partner is to leave , because at that point the values and foundations of the marriage are shown to be violated and at odds .
15 This alternative offence can also be proved as at point 5 with the additional observations to the effect ‘ The stationary vehicle had stopped to accord precedence to foot passengers ’ .
16 At the very least you should consult two historians whose views you know to be opposed or at variance .
17 Both the above principles are useful guides , but one regularly finds , in analysing natural speech , cases where it remains difficult or impossible to make a clear decision ; the principles may well also be factually correct , but it should be emphasised that at present there is no conclusive evidence from instrumental study in the laboratory that they are .
18 An extensive search was started in expectation that more bodies would be discovered since at Pisagua there had been a concentration camp for between 1,500-2,000 prisoners following the military coup of September 1973 .
19 On March 10 Boutros-Ghali had appealed to all UN member states for voluntary contributions to cover UNFICYP 's US$196,000,000 cost ; he had pointed out that it was not right that the force should be funded as at present by voluntary contributions from the eight personnel -contributing states [ see also p. 38873 ] .
20 And so if you were to use that at night and then put a bit of lavender on it is really nice .
21 It became clear that her reasons for not wanting to come forward were based largely on feeling guilty about her children being affected or at risk .
22 But the eyes on him were shining as at Kalopetra , when he had been constrained to leave , and she , for a while , had stood to stop him ; stood as close as the flesh on his body .
23 Certain principles of analysis have to be learned in work on other types of cultural formation , and on the relations between formal and informal , established and breakaway formations , before the problems which are being negotiated and at times overridden in the combines and corporations can be substantively rather than merely organizationally assessed ( see pages 116ff below ) .
24 I had for too long been conscious only of my own concerns , but now I became aware that those around me were troubled and at odds .
25 During the excavations at nearby Holborough both Bronze and Iron Age artifacts were discovered and at Luddesdown an Iron Age site was found .
26 2 nurses can perform a dressing more efficiently and cut down the length of time a wound is exposed and at risk and the number of times hands need to be washed .
27 The execution of his duty is proved as at point 4 above .
28 This phrase is proved as at point 5 , but as the case depends on this point , such evidence is best given by a reliable witness who had a good view of the vehicles concerned .
29 And Richard Parks , an engineer with the Bechtel Corporation , which built the plant and is the prime contractor for the clean-up , claimed that ‘ the operation is disorganised and at times irresponsible .
30 It has been mentioned that at Coniston most of the work by far was done under tutwork .
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