Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [prep] a few " in BNC.

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1 Transverse effects have been examined in a few instances .
2 The possibility of a title going ‘ out of print ’ if selection decisions are delayed must also be considered — though this is unlikely if orders are placed within a few months of publication .
3 If the district registry had appreciated the urgency and the short period of the order without doubt they would have sought directions and the result would certainly have been that the appeal would have been set down at some other convenient centre or , as happened , in London at or before the beginning of this term and would have been heard within a few days , that is , the appeal would have been heard approximately a month ago .
4 Sarah told her that John had secured a job in an hotel but had been sacked after a few days .
5 To avoid excessive changes in the sample cross section , elongations are limited to a few per cent and are followed over approximately three decades of time .
6 The sightseers on the banks of the river , who , sensing something afoot , had been gathering for a few hours , dodged about , seeking a view between bushes .
7 First impressions , and they are formed within a few seconds of listening to these headphones , are of an unveiled immediacy , very extended high-frequency response and seamless midrange .
8 To protect the spirit of demilitarisation , a convention has been followed that defence spending will not exceed 1 per cent of GNP , and although this ceiling has been broken on a few occasions , the 1 per cent target has a symbolic significance .
9 Some of the young calves are fattened on the farms but many are reared for a few months and then sold for fattening in central or eastern Britain .
10 Suddenly he is more relaxed and confident and those horrible little worms of self-doubt which are perpetually burrowing away in a golfer 's head are banished for a few holes , anyway .
11 Wait until your baby has been walking for a few weeks before taking her for the first shoe fitting , as toes are crucial in gripping the floor while learning to toddle .
12 All of their problems could have been solved with a few simple decisions but they seemed to have been robbed of their ability to think straight . ’
13 Without them the useful life of streptomycin might have been confined to a few years .
14 WACC has acquired a certain expertise in this field , but its activities so far have been confined to a few countries or sub-regions .
15 Criticism of the war seems to have been confined to a few individuals .
16 Her smoking experiences , hitherto , had been confined to a few borrowed puffs from Walter Ash 's cigarettes , and some experimental moments , at the age of twelve , in the school bicycle shed .
17 All the beauty that ought to be but rarely is , all the promises of perfection are caught in a few moments of that iridescent light .
18 The four have undergone doping tests and the results are expected within a few days .
19 And the results are expected within a few weeks .
20 Vibrational excitation has only been reported for a few simple molecules in the gas phase , as shown in Fig. 5.8 , and vibrational structure may also be seen on some bands arising from electronic transitions .
21 However , abnormal neurological signs ( notably unusually brisk tendon reflexes and tremor ) are common in older subjects , and overt neurological deterioration has been reported in a few early treated young adults .
22 As explained earlier , it is therefore important to avoid the use of independent overflow areas except as a safety precaution ; the one exception to this is when updates are grouped in a few areas .
23 Despite many brands and designs , skiing hardware companies are owned by a few umbrella companies .
24 It was unlikely that murder had been committed for a few pounds , but one could never be sure .
25 In Britain , at least , communications are dominated by a few millionaire proprietors and a few large conglomerate companies .
26 It 's been happening for a few days , but I 've only just realised what it is …
27 Now and again , of course , you have to deal with the awkward moments , like someone reading aloud from a Sunday paper the ‘ sordid story of perverted vice ’ which has obviously been concocted over a few jars by a hack hounded by deadline .
28 Oh I du n no , I 've been looking at a few , not that probably , not in the top ten
29 And he would ask a few questions , say he 'd been looking for a few hours .
30 Career family home — all had been ruined in a few seconds .
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