Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The pages of magazines have been filled this year with the usual crop of controversies .
2 Hastings Borough Council had been pursuing compulsory purchase of the building but , in the light of surveyors ' reports apparently quoting costs of £2.5 million for repairs alone , made a last-minute decision against this and served a Dangerous Structures Notice instead .
3 so er and I 've er been pursuing all sort of avenues .
4 Intermediates could see even less well than their imperfect ancestors , and it is no consolation that they are building better eyesight for their remote descendants !
5 Not least , they serve as a warning to firms that are building dominant positions in markets that their conduct is likely to be scrutinized if their market share crosses a given threshold .
6 Toyota and Nissan are building electric versions of their luxury barges .
7 It is understood Special Branch detectives have been charting planned attacks on unionists and advising the politicians on measures to protect their lives and members of their families .
8 Congress , I understand the C E C are accepting this resolution for the qualifications so I will be brief .
9 On the contrary , in building a new product category they are accepting high levels of risk .
10 The response of appellant patentee lawyers has been to claim exclusive rights to ‘ plants ’ which will , in fact , include all varieties of plants containing the gene in question .
11 The jagged hole through which he 'd been propelled some minutes before now rushed past his face once every minute or so .
12 In a lengthy communiqué , regarded by observers as a carefully crafted compromise between United States pressures to boost growth and German determination to control inflation , ministers observed that " forces that have been inhibiting economic activity in many countries are dissipating " .
13 British space officials do not expect any major difficulties in finding the money for INTEGRAL , because ESA science programmes are paid out of the subscriptions of member states which are calculated several years in advance .
14 By adopting policies against sexual harassment they are opposing hitherto-accepted codes of normal masculinity and their effects in exercising power and control over women .
15 My boyfriend and I are both 24 and have been seeing each other for three years .
16 ‘ We 'd been seeing each other for a year when he suggested we should move in together .
17 We 've been seeing each other for two years now and , although we have n't set a date , we are planning to get married . ’
18 They can do erm damage to a section of the network erm that does not bring about major destruction and with this accurate bombing that we 've been seeing this kind of operation is possible .
19 Because certain textbooks are in great demand , colleges often set aside a student reading room in which are placed multiple copies of textbooks that have been recommended by the lecturers .
20 THE eagerly-awaited reappearance of Champion hurdler Royal Gait has been delayed 24 hours until this afternoon due to the abandonment of yesterday 's meeting at Leopardstown .
21 Thurston , had arrived with a load of ammunition for the Beaufighters on 7th , but had been delayed three days in leaving again due to a heavy swell on the sea .
22 Unless you are given convincing reasons for not doing so , insist on a reduction
23 Banks financing oil and gas pipeline projects are given similar guarantees by means of through-put agreements which set the minimum usage of the facility by the various contracting parties .
24 In a democratic approach , all sources of knowledge are given similar roles in the control structure .
25 Since the contributors to the literature on the new classical macroeconomics rarely take the trouble to furnish a fully articulated theory of the firm in which cost shocks are given equal prominence with demand shocks , one is entitled to take what they have to say on short-run supply responses with a large fistful of salt .
26 Nevertheless , they are given equal prominence in the New Testament , and should be given equal weight as images of God .
27 The Article 67 Directive , which requires the abolition of any domestic restrictions on movements of capital between persons resident in member states , was to be implemented before 1 July 1990 ; Spain , Portugal , the Republic of Ireland and Greece are given transitional relief until the end of 1992 , and Belgium and Luxembourg may temporarily continue to operate their present dual exchange market .
28 And in some cases there is support for more elaborate reforms to ensure that social welfare considerations are given appropriate weight in decision making and are not left merely to managerial discretion .
29 Pre-school children , presented with novel verbs describing unfamiliar actions , are given two types of input : cognitively available indications of argument structure , and syntactic indications of argument structure .
30 If animals are given Pavlovian conditioning with a compound CS consisting of separable components , the amount of strength gained by one of these components after a given number of training trials will be less than would be acquired if that component had been trained alone .
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