Example sentences of "[be] [conj] he [verb] [been] " in BNC.

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1 All the indications are that he 's been , that he does not wish to be involved with any disputes .
2 His injuries were worse than they would have been if he had been wearing a seat belt .
3 This might have been because he 'd been kept in an aviary and not given enough exercise , and i felt sure I could put that right .
4 Jarvis Stringer 's grandparents ' qualifications for keeping a school were that he had been up at Oxford where he had read Greats and she had left Goldsmith 's College halfway through her teacher training .
5 The only good news to offset my ‘ disgrace ’ was that Father had proved such a success at Marconi 's that he had been appointed an assistant manager in the research department dealing with radio materials .
6 It was no fault of Harry 's that he had been mistakenly put in the care of such people , although there was nothing to be said against the Pritchetts — a decent , hard-working family — other than their class .
7 Kevin Irving 's ‘ father ’ writes to admit that he 's Pope , Chas F Garvey 's that he has been faithful to his wife for 42 years , and Mark Ambrose 's that he has a dash of myxomatosis ( to be fair , the father is a rabbit ) .
8 A second and earlier poem Moliant Cadwallon ( ‘ In Praise of Cadwallon ’ ) , possibly by Cadwallon 's bard , Afan Ferddig , celebrates Cadwallon 's victorious progress against Eadwine ‘ the deceitful ’ after his return from Ireland , where he may have been in exile , though an alternative possibility is that he had been gathering reinforcements there .
9 A brief analysis of Primal Scream 's pop career has also taken place , rounded off by a sure-footed declaration from Craig that ‘ the only respect I have for Bobby Gillespie is that he 's been closer to Kylie Minogue 's fanny than I have . ’
10 Our latest information is that he 's been working as a waiter at a bar called Flamingo . ’
11 One is that he has been in the ring with Michael Gerard Tyson .
12 The fact is that he has been saved from a disaster primarily caused by his ill-judged decision , based on terrible advice , to join the mechanism .
13 The consolation for him and for Britain is that he has been far better prepared for the emotional pressures of his destiny than ever his father was .
14 The reason the farmer at Ben More has put up the sign you talk about is that he has been particularly troubled by dog owners who ca n't control their animals .
15 Iago 's first stated reason for hating his master is that he has been passed over in favour of ‘ a great arithmetician ’ , a ‘ counter-caster ’ , Michael Cassio ( Othello , I.i.19–31 ) .
16 The trouble with the right hon. Gentleman is that he has been searching for a way to do nothing about this problem .
17 Erm if he 's another easy one is if he 's been travelling for one hour how far has he gone ?
18 Here , Pip has realised what a disaster he is and he has been hit by hard consequences as a result of his greediness .
19 It 's because he 's been ill like , in the head . ’
20 ‘ That 's because he 's been part of the package that won the championship , he 's done a phenomenal job and at the moment , he 's quicker in testing than Prost . ’
21 It 's since he 's been
22 Another was that he had been elected to the Students ' Council at his school , Westmount High , and to its Board of Publishers .
23 His case was that he had been using the public lavatory for proper purposes when the the police burst into his cubicle and arrested him , and that he had had no contact of any kind with the co-defendant .
24 Part of the reason Pearce decided to accept the request to head up British Aerospace was that he had been thirty-five years with Esso , eight as chairman .
25 A candid confession to youthful pot-smoking , it is generally agreed , is no longer a disqualification for office , but the sore part of the latest wound — pretty mild by Clinton standards — was that he had been evasive when asked repeatedly about it for at least seven years and that even last week 's admission was shifty .
26 The fact was that he had been seduced .
27 His excuse was that he had been praying .
28 I felt that way myself — the difference was that he had been living longer .
29 A bonus was that he had been so fascinated by his earlier experience that his confidence in hypnotherapy as a whole had grown , and he was far more willing to undergo treatment than he might otherwise have been .
30 All he knew was that he had been inadequately protected , and that an attempt on his life had been thwarted by the merest accident .
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