Example sentences of "[be] [conj] [prep] the time " in BNC.

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1 And the chances are that by the time the market picks up again in 1991 we will be back to the 1983 figure .
2 He suggested this might have been because at the time an aircraft 6km up was dropping laser-guided bombs onto the next platform ( or target as they are usually known ) .
3 All I can say is that at the time everything fitted together perfectly into so glaringly obvious a pattern that I was amazed I had never seen it before .
4 The third reason is that at the time of apparent consent or refusal the patient may not , for the time being , be a competent adult .
5 What emerges from these scantily recorded years is that by the time of the first minuted meeting , in January 1907 , and which was probably held in the manager 's office at the Henley branch of Reading bankers , J. and C. Simonds , much work towards the Club 's formation had already been accomplished .
6 The problem with lists is that by the time you write item number three , you have completely forgotten about item number one , and so on .
7 I was a New Man before New Men had capital letters , but I feel like an Old Man these days , and all I can think is that by the time this one is through university I 'll be nearly sixty .
8 Instead , the real lyrical problem is that by the time you arrive at the two rather superfluous closing tracks , She 's A Weirdo ’ and ‘ Paula ’ , the story of all these nightown expeditions is scurrying round in circles and since the music is n't boosted to insensate lift-off , we 're all back where we started .
9 All I know is that by the time we had entered into residence again that autumn , we found we had made so little progress , and had remained so vague about our aims that , one evening , Harold Mason and I , who had seen more of each other than we did anyone else in the group , resolved to abandon the project altogether ; and I therefore wrote to Eliot , from whom I had not heard further , telling him that our plan had made so little headway that I felt it my duty to tell him not to trouble himself any more .
10 Central to child-rearing from the cultural point of view , as we have seen , is that by the time he is six or seven the child should have been able to recapitulate within his own personal psychological development the development history of his culture .
11 Gemma 's parents are less optimistic — their immediate target is that by the time she starts school next Easter , there will be something she can eat .
12 The idea is that by the time of the next Euro elections in 18 months , better knowledge of the EC and particularly of the role of MEPs will improve Tory fortunes at the polls .
13 On returning she is guaranteed a job at the same level and of similar content to the one she left , but ‘ the plan is that nearer the time I start to discuss my return with management and personnel ’ .
14 However , what might affect it is if at the time of the making of the contract the parties make an agreement about delivery and/ or payment , e.g. that they be postponed .
15 Typically there is a long latent period between radiation exposure and detection of a tumour , which is because of the time required for sufficient increase in the size of the tumour to make it detectable , and may also be due in part to a form of induction period before the initially affected cell or cells start to divide and form a tumour , or before the tumour assumes ‘ malignant ’ characteristics of growth and spreading .
16 ‘ it would appear that the vital matter for determination is whether at the time that the infant plaintiff avers that she suffered the damnum , i.e. at the date of her birth , had the defendant committed a breach of any and what duty to the infant plaintiff causing such damnum ?
17 ‘ Having emphasised these three points , it would appear that the vital matter for determination is whether at the time that the infant plaintiff avers that she suffered the damnum , i.e. at the date of her birth , had the defendant committed a breach of any and what duty to the infant plaintiff causing such damnum ?
18 What was interesting about that was that at the time John Brown got into financial difficulties the banks and institutional shareholders took a tough but very constructive view that it was worth helping the company through a reconstruction rather than forcing it into liquidation , which had been an attitude prevalent some years earlier .
19 The only problem was that by the time you had finished the slide show at the end of the evening you were covered from fingertips to armpits in coloured ink and oil and all the gunge associated with it .
20 The trouble was that by the time he knew Mosley was a serious electoral threat to his position , it was almost too late .
21 And the outcome of that was that by the time the boys reached the hut where they lived with their grandfather , they had clean forgotten what the sun-god told them to do .
22 The result of that was that by the time I 'd rushed across the road , dashed up the stair well found the place , dashed up the stairs , I was out of breath and er had n't composed myself and I just res resembled a quivering blob that er
23 So it was that by the time Hugh and Twoflower entered the courtyard of the Broken Drum the leaders of a number of them were aware that someone had arrived in the city who appeared to have much treasure .
24 She did what she chose to do , and was as for the time being she chose to be .
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