Example sentences of "[be] [conj] [noun] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In fact I would say that ninety five percent of the people we take on are er either resting as you are or self employed anyway .
2 Other differences are that males have much longer finnage , and also a much more humped forehead .
3 The implications of this accelerated diffusion of technology and rapid translation into innovative products are that companies have very little time to rest on the strength of any one currently successful product .
4 The most certain features of Figure 9.10 are that Jupiter consists largely of hydrogen , that much of the interior is liquid/gas , that there is no atmosphere/surface interface , that there is some concentration towards the centre of icy and rocky substances ( this is required by the density versus depth ) , that the hydrogen exists in metallic form beyond a fairly modest depth , and that the interior is hot .
5 A frequent methodological problem in electrophysiological experiments has been that experimenters have either failed to exercise any control whatever over their subjects ' cognitive strategies or else have relied simply on instructions to subjects to engage in a particular mental activity .
6 Even though Darwinian evolution is represented as a competitive process , the outcome has often been that animals ended up working with each other .
7 The underlying philosophy has been that schools require more INSET to be school-focused , linking the enhancement of a teacher 's individual professional skills with the defined needs of the school as a whole ; and further that the capacities of a school staff to evaluate their own strengths and weaknesses must be improved and result directly in more effective forward planning to remedy recognized weaknesses .
8 Their Lordships are satisfied with the course taken by the trial judge and are further satisfied that the adverse effect on the jury from the defendant 's point of view was in the end no greater than it would have been if counsel had not made his improper observation .
9 And that hurt was slight , compared to what it might have been if things had n't happened the way they had tonight .
10 The street shelter had been hit and Ruby had been dug out to see a crater where her house had been and fires burning fiercely everywhere she looked .
11 A tenant needs to know exactly what a landlord can and can not do — and what legal rights there are if problems crop up .
12 It was as well that she had not been because Marguerite looked most sceptical .
13 We suspected that this might have been because Coventry did n't score .
14 It may be that Lewis does n't know he 's doing anything out of order , but some of the messages Lewis is delivering ai n't getting through , or at least not in one piece . ’
15 Given this variation in language forms and use , the danger may be that teachers do not realise the extent of the variation , or that they regard the creole language forms as haphazard .
16 It may be that Taylor had again asked for a reduction of Royalty .
17 ‘ I happen to believe variety is the spice of life , it just happens to be that women end up victimising themselves a lot , or subjecting themselves to a lot of bullshit to get some sort of coverage .
18 It may be that Borg realised quite soon that family life was not going to carry him through the great silence left behind by his renunciation of that terrible drug , competitiveness .
19 The sole justification for Mustakimzade 's argument as it stands appears to be that Taskopruzade does not in fact use either the term as in the case of Molla Fenari , or simply the term mufti , as in the case of Fahreddin Acemi , saying rather that " the headship of teaching and of fetva and the office of the kadilik fell ultimately to [ Molla Yegan ] alter Molla Shams al-Din al-Fenari " .
20 The first may simply be that pupils have not mastered the skills necessary to pursue effective project work .
21 The assumption of those who decide where research money should go seems to be that surgeons do not need to participate in research ; they should be content to operate somewhere in the depths of the hospital and speak when spoken to .
22 I mean it may be that Ken has not drawn these up in the right way .
23 One may be that children do not have sufficient command of the skills of extracting information from a text .
24 O'Connor and Brown ( 1984 ) suggested that one explanation may be that Henderson did not differentiate between the actual support provided in terms of confiding and frequency of contact and the attachment felt for the person named .
25 No well I 'm if people pull out they 've got their own reasons .
26 Sir , — Election time does not have to be like this , and it would n't be if politicians did n't behave like cocks , strutting their stuff !
27 At one stage it looked as though McCallen might catch Dunlop as he closed the gap to three seconds but it was not to be and Dunlop opened up the gap again over the last two laps so that with victory in sight he had a cushion of seven seconds .
28 Certainly it would n't be because staff sit around the lounge at night and make guests the butt of practical jokes . ’
29 However , as explained , such problems are often symptoms of deeper organisational and management problems : ‘ It is often assumed that stress is caused by too much work or tasks that are too difficult , but it is more likely to be because staff do n't have a context for what they are doing . ’
30 She raised her hands behind her , grasped the brass rails of the bed-head , and squeezed them tightly , wondering how long it would be before Felipe came in with her breakfast .
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