Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [adv] [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 This has been most clearly shown for lung tissue but smoking related adducts have also been described in a number of other tissues for which smoking has been implicated as a cancer risk factor .
2 They have been most commonly used for students in the humanities and social science disciplines .
3 Using a bar code reader and a suitable computer system greatly speeds things up of course , and the books of codes are presumably only needed for reference and checking purposes .
4 Commercial valuations are most frequently required for :
5 Staff Targets for new weapon systems are most often written for the replacement of existing equipments that are likely to become obsolescent in a specific time-frame .
6 Fancy Patterns : This really does cover many stitch types and is intended for those patterns that are most often used for single colour work , where the design relies on texture rather than contrasting colours to form the pattern .
7 The majority of poems concerning death are most commonly laments for lost friends who have already passed away .
8 It says more than 80% of Unix workstations shipped last year went to sectors where they are most commonly used for technical applications .
9 Parallel ports are most commonly used for connecting a printer to your machine , serial ports are used for a mouse or a modem .
10 If you lack confidence in your ability to give her the right kind of help and comfort , but really want to do so , you have nothing to fear , because this probably means that you are much better equipped for the task than you imagine .
11 The Dales Centre aims to provide a full range of outdoor activities making use of the beautiful surroundings of the Yorkshire Dales — so those who are looking for great climbing and caving are especially well catered for .
12 Two such groups , which are sufficiently well documented for such a study , are tenants-inchief and the London alderman class .
13 Contact lenses are less frequently prescribed for children than spectacles because physical growth is still taking place and because they are relatively more expensive .
14 Music , tears , song , breath are so closely linked for me — like a great life giving force .
15 The Germans , who are so widely attacked for not coughing up more for a war on which they were n't consulted , are the only Western country making real sacrifices , not only to integrate East Germany , which is costing them 150 billion Dm this year , but also to help Poland , Czechoslovakia , Hungary and even the Soviet Union .
16 Of course some policemen and women , at the other extreme , welcomed the research as an opportunity to talk about issues which are so often taken for granted among colleagues and family that they are not topics of conversation .
17 Equally serious for the historian is the knowledge that the decision takers are continually looking at virtual documents which are only infrequently captured for hard or electronic copy .
18 Britain 's cloudy skies are only partly to blame for this poor performance .
19 Thank you for your invitation , declined as I am long since engaged for 6th if in Edinburgh .
20 The rest had been so well prepared for work by their previous sixteen years of socialisation that they found few problems .
21 In this respect , pregnant girls at Arbour are also very knowledgeable and confident about giving birth because they have been so well prepared for it , and tend to sail through labour and birth without a lot of problems .
22 A more efficient harness than the crude yoke , which had been so well suited for draught-oxen , was introduced about the ninth century .
23 Its influence must have been very considerable for the boy to have been so successfully supported for the kingship against an adult rival .
24 Hick 's first innings 64 looked as if it could be the Test breakthrough England have been so patiently waiting for .
25 Finally reveal the sweet-scented truth about yourself that has been so cruelly denied for all these years . ’
26 May I come to the aid of your correspondents who have been so severely maligned for daring to question the divine right of the English to claim the whole of these islands as their own ?
27 Courageous decisions are nevertheless sometimes called for , so is this the right time to appoint a computer industry outsider to te top job at IBM ?
28 Such aspects of life are normally just taken for granted yet , if thought about , they are at odds with a materialistic understanding of the world ; they point to something other — something more .
29 Each new barrel costs £1.50 ; they are normally only used for one race and there are 50 barrels on a raft .
30 Although technically possible on magnetic tape , logarithmic searches are too slow to be economic , so they are normally only considered for direct access devices .
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