Example sentences of "[be] [pron] [conj] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It 's one thing if you 're fully staffed but if you think that whichever of my boys is on guard duty for the day is responsible for the shopping as well as the cooking , and I have to put another boy on guard as substitute to him and another at the disposition of the local magistrate , and I 've two out on motor-bike patrol — where am I when a case like this comes up and I 've got to be out ? ’
2 Next year , it 'll be me and a couple of others and that 'll be it .
3 Oh yes , they only want two so that would be you and a treasurer .
4 I thought that would be something that a lot of people would
5 It may be argued that such distinctions between what machines can do and what only humans can do are of merely temporary interest , since in principle there is nothing that a human can do that a machine might not be devised , some day , to do .
6 There 's me and a picture in front of me , and music from the radio if I need it , and no telephone .
7 So there 's me and a mate up a ladder with chain saws and that nearly all day yesterday , good fun actually .
8 Jimmy Connors after being knocked out of Wimbledon in the first round I 'VE spent time with her and she is everything that a man could want .
9 Again a legal liberty ( that is something that a man may do with legal justification ) may form the basis of blackmail .
10 I have come to suspect that the underlying motive to help younger people grow up to be confident , competent adults , and to derive pleasure from doing so , is something that a person can bury , ignore or conceal , but not amputate .
11 And the last part is something that a number of you had for your objectives is and evaluation monitoring and evaluating training .
12 Odette Smith 's long and sometimes painful struggle to reach the weight she wanted is one that a lot of women ( and men ) will sympathise with .
13 This biographical approach has its weaknesses , but it is one that an amateur often finds easy to handle .
14 The commonest example of a voidable contract is one where a party has by making a mesrepresentation induced the other party to enter the contract .
15 A Super Class 1 transaction ( requiring an immediate announcement to the market , a circular to the offeror 's shareholders and their prior approval in general meeting ) is one where a comparison of the target 's assets , profits , gross capital etc with the value of those of the offeror is 25 per cent or more .
16 A reverse takeover offer is one where an offeror company makes a general offer to the shareholders of a larger company to acquire their shares in exchange for new shares in the offeror company , with the shareholders in the larger company becoming the majority shareholders in the offeror company .
17 I mean , a lot of these grants go sporting wise , very few are arts type grants , and it 's something that a lot of people participate , and a lot of people get pleasure out of .
18 Wittgenstein explicitly rejects what Locke and Brentano unquestioningly accept , namely that there is a perfectly proper epistemological question , ‘ How is it that a person can say what he himself believes , expects , hopes , and so on ? ’ to which the answer is that he must have observed in himself a mental operation , process , state , or whatever you like to call it , of believing , expecting , hoping , and so on .
19 Or is it that a book still has some special appeal in this electronic age ?
20 Probing questions are asked : Why is it that a number of students , broadly successful across most of their subjects , have all done badly in …
21 Why is it that a cup of tea goes down so well ?
22 Again , this may explain that phenomenon which is central to the relevance of discourse analysis to language teaching : how is it that a student with an advanced proficiency in pronunciation , grammar , and lexis somehow fails to use these language skills to communicate successfully ?
23 How is it that a method which has failed elsewhere in relevantly similar circumstances suffices to yield knowledge this time ?
24 Life , what is it but a dream ?
25 Is it when a person needs help to lift a glass to his or her lips , or does it depend on the degree of dehydration ?
26 erm and there was nothing that a Member of Parliament could do , this is the trouble I mean it , it with everybody was saying you should of contacted us before it went
27 Still , it was them or a book .
28 But here , for the first time , she realised something essential , something that had never occurred to her when composing those letters ; that a performance was something that a person did , and not something that they were .
29 So I think that er to put parental investment theory centre stage is more reliable and better than the rather old-fashioned biological approach which in talking about sex emphasise things like sex chromosomes and hormones , so that a sex chromosome in a mammal for instance was something that a male had but a female did n't and this gave rise to hormonal effects like those of testosterone erm which are thought to be very important .
30 ‘ Another scene cut was one where a man 's brains are splattered over a window . ’
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