Example sentences of "[be] [prep] more [noun sg] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 This book is useful but could have been of more value if it had been more clearly grounded in practice .
2 In a community like this the printed word has always been of more importance than to most of those whose access to books was very much easier .
3 From this point of view analytic expressions such as those of Van Fo Fy & Savin ( 1965 ) are of more use than numerical data ( though presumably these could be fitted for comparison purposes by polynomials or other means ) .
4 The excavators at Silchester and Caerwent had found great quantities , but regarded it as merely so commonplace and ordinary , that they hardly bothered even to mention it , thus ignoring the important principle laid down earlier by the great Pitt-Rivers , who attempted to record everything he found ‘ however small and however common … common things are of more importance than particular things , because they are more prevalent ’ ( 1898 , 27 ) .
5 I went to the cinema considering that that would be of more benefit than taking a Latin exam that I could not pass .
6 A serious extension of the simple analysis presented in the previous paragraph would be of more help than a thousand more studies documenting that socio-economic differentials in mortality exist .
7 In the Snowdonia National Park this latter consideration frequently appears to be of more importance than any other to the NP Committee when more controversial schemes are examined , in spite of a NPA having no statutory responsibilities for such policies .
8 Thus the financial health of the company seemed to be of more importance than the community 's concern over the health of its children .
9 The definition of living space continues to be of more importance than its detail , and even Gothic novelists , who are fond of adjectives and often describe the landscape at some length , elaborate very little on interiors .
10 In other words it is possible that local social and ecological facts may be of more importance when interpreting crime than broad processes such as modernization .
11 Within sublanguage applications a generative approach may be of more use than a probabilistic method .
12 Counselling sensitivity and insight can often be of more value than strictly medical knowledge .
13 I 'm in more danger while Mason 's in England .
14 The partial remedy , for no one could think of exhaustive response , was to clear London and other big cities of children aged under fifteen , the sick and the handicapped : all those who were of more hindrance than help to the defence effort .
15 On either side , white-painted kerb stones glowed faintly through the blackness as she walked with the rest towards the sound of the dancing , for ears were of more use than eyes in the blackout .
16 At the end of the Saturday debate we were in more disarray than at any stage since either coming to power or Margaret Thatcher taking over the leadership .
17 This is of more use than you might think , since it tells you the limit of the dynamic variable allocation .
18 This is of more value than infrequent formal contact
19 Consequently , until 1935 the labour movement is of more interest when studied in its extra-parliamentary role , which centred largely around the issue of unemployment .
20 Georgia had long provided a cadre for the Social Democratic movement , and the Tiflis Soviet was of more substance than many in the region .
21 It took as long again for their theories to be discredited , despite the fact that almost none of their Hollywood idols would agree that they were the sole auteur of the films they made ; while the greatest weakness of their belief was that the most flawed work by one of their preferred film-makers was of more interest than a major piece by one of those they did not rate .
22 When the doors closed on the place in which I had dwelled , and I found myself alone in the world of Men , I was in more agony than you could dream exists .
23 I was in more pain than I think I have ever experienced .
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