Example sentences of "[be] [prep] [noun prp] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 A few players do n't even know what is the capital of France when they 're in Paris playing the French Open .
2 Sir Robert Carey , Warden of the English Middle March , had been in London visiting the queen , but had prudently arranged for relays of horses to be ready for him between the capital and Edinburgh , so that he could ingratiate himself with the King of Scots by being the first to arrive with the news that he was now King of England also .
3 Mr. Chaudoir has been in England to attend the contemporary music festival Tempo ‘ 92 , at which he was the featured composer .
4 Dicey thus identifies the growth in power of the party machine as the source of the problem : ‘ Coalitions , log-rolling , and parliamentary intrigue are in England diminishing the moral and political faith in the House of Commons . ’
5 A more realistic solution might be for Jordan to give the Palestinians some of its land — especially as a large number of Palestinians already live there .
6 But constitutional expert Michael Nash , who is soon to bring out a book , A Royal Divorce , about the history of the British monarchy , said last night : ‘ The best thing to happen would be for William to become the next in line to the throne .
7 If it had n't been for your shiftless nephew , Suzie would be back in England by now , my mother would n't be having sleepless nights and I could be in London doing the job for which I 'm paid ! ’
8 Mr Ayckbourn , who is currently writing a new musical which will receive its world premiere at the Stephen Joseph Theatre in Scarborough , will be in Leeds to launch the National Bibliographic Service 's computer software system which will make its records available on CD-ROM .
9 Saskia Reeves , Syd McCartney and David O'Hara will be in Belfast to discuss the film after the performance .
10 No time for slip-ups , but the odds must now be on Oxford avoiding the drop .
11 Is it not supposed to be pussy cat , pussy cat where have you been , I 've been to London to see the queen ?
12 Pussy cat , pussy cat where have you been , I 've been to London to visit the king , pussy cat , pussy cat what were you there , I frightened a little mouse under the chair
13 He 's been to Mongolia to hunt the long-eared hedgehog .
14 He 's been to Mongolia to hunt the long-eared hedgehog .
15 Serbian delegates were in Istanbul discussing the implementation of the Convention when British , French and Russian ships blasted the Turkish fleet out of the water as it lay at anchor in the enclosed natural harbour at Navarino ( Pylos ) in the southern Morea on 20 October 1827 .
16 ‘ We were at Desnogorsk to start the first phase of an 18-month partnership programme between the Smolensk station and ourselves under the TACIS 92 programme ’ , said Arthur .
17 ‘ Anyway , Fagin , I know your idea is for Oliver to do the job . ’
18 The only way for it to look any different is for Michael to learn the bloody lines .
19 At the end , Slim is the only one who understands how difficult it is for George to take the action that he did , and also why he did it .
20 Thus the line of control in the present case is for Lautro to control the operations of Norwich Union , and Norwich Union in turn , by virtue of its contractual relationship , to control Winchester .
21 ANDREW Lloyd Webber paid a record £10,120,000 for a Canaletto yesterday when he bought The Old Horse Guards at Christie 's in London to ensure the painting remains in Britain .
22 He 's in Banbury to spread the word of Habitat for Humanity .
23 Oliver Stone is in Thailand shooting the final instalment in his Vietnam trilogy Heaven And Earth .
24 The narrator of Flann O'Brien 's At Swim-Two-Birds expresses the view that ‘ Characters should be interchangeable as between one book and another … .
25 Today 's card at Sandown and tomorrow 's at Towcester became the latest victims .
26 A UK Foreign Ministry spokesperson responded on the same day by saying that it was for Iran to make the first gesture and that the UK would " not accept Iranian intervention in [ its ] internal affairs " .
27 When one turns from internal to external trade , one sees that some men at any rate recognized how important it was for England to control the sea .
28 Part of the ‘ deal ’ struck in the course of his recent marital separation was for Polly to keep the family car .
29 The trend of the three elections that took place between 1978 and 1982 was for UGT to narrow the gap between itself and CCOO .
30 My plan was for Rick to open the mouth while I would use the forceps to retrieve the hook , this seeming to be the most sensible approach ( from my point of view anyway ) .
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