Example sentences of "[be] [prep] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Everyone arrives with a stack of singles which they think are worth considering for the playlist .
2 These are worth exploring on a short but pleasant walk from the village .
3 Others including resistance to various diseases are inherited weakly , and the question is whether they are worth including in a breeding programme or not ?
4 Both these plants are hardy and although not in the front rank of ornamentals , are worth growing in a large border or even on the bank of a stream or lake provided they are kept away from the wet margin .
5 There will always be books which are worth launching with a party because you are going to get wide coverage , but the half-page ad in Cosmo on your own is n't worth half as much as an advertorial that is tied in with a bookshop group .
6 A few other things are worth noting about the life-style of college teachers .
7 And while the ethical concerns are real enough , they are not novel in medicine , and are worth confronting for the benefits that will come to our patients and the community .
8 However , the questions and issues this material raises about the way primary classrooms are organized are worth presenting as an extension of those above .
9 ‘ Our kits are marketed as much for leisurewear as they are for wearing on the terraces .
10 These are for attaching to the erm , tabs .
11 The Stones and their time were all about leaving home ; The Smiths and our time are about pining for a home .
12 The promise follows reports that some Middlesbrough vice girls are considering moving to the town .
13 It also answers many of the questions most commonly asked by those people who are considering investing in a PEP . .
14 BASIC rate taxpayers who are considering investing in a Personal Equity Plan should carefully consider the implications that changes introduced in this week 's Budget may have on such an investment .
15 THE CASE of World Athletics versus All Credibitity has now reached such a pitch of mealy-mouthed , farcical dithering that some of us in the public gallery are considering leaping into the well of the court and making a noisy scene .
16 My earliest memories of being abused are of going into a neighbour 's house when I was five or six and getting money for what he made me do .
17 As this Report has noted , people of other faiths or of no faith , as well as Christians , are used by God to mediate his gift of music , and those who are not believers are as capable as those who are of responding to the power of religious music .
18 ‘ Ye 're tae go tae the chemist for me . ’
19 Before I left , I told Eliot that I was still toying with the idea of writing the book on politics , which had increasingly been absorbing me , and I described to him something of what it had been like to live under a benevolent dictatorship .
20 It would have been like stamping on a little bird you watch learning to fly .
21 I can only hazard a guess at what it must have been like to sail in a typical convoy , with bombers and submarines liable to strike at any moment , or to brave the Western Approaches with only a couple of inches of rusting metal between yourself and the enemy .
22 This was travelling in style — as one Imperial Airways passenger put it : ‘ I was sorry to get out ; it had been like sitting in a comfortable friendly club . ’
23 Mr Kerrigan then questioned Mr Mackie about what it had been like working at the Kenway depot at the time he alleged drugs were being taken .
24 But perhaps the precise reasons for its origin and the timing of its confirmation are not so important ; of greater significance is that it became a key precedent during the ensuing century for those who wished to restrict the outflow of money from the English church to the church universal and in particular to the Roman Curia ; its appeal to the interests of patrons whose intentions were thwarted or impaired by impositions on the houses so that ‘ infinite loss and disinheritance are like to ensue to the founders of the said houses and their heirs ’ was to reappear in the later statute of Provisors .
25 ( The teams the players are with according to the DT .
26 A marriage between foreign nationals from different countries and of different religions would have been difficult enough in settled times , but it was rendered much more complicated now by the fact that whatever my family 's record might have been with regard to the Fascist party , my mother , my father and I were enemy aliens who had just lost a war .
27 García had been in hiding since the April coup , taking refuge in the Colombian embassy in Lima from where he had made public appeals for popular resistance to Fujimori .
28 Daniel Digby , provost of the G-Mek Orbital , has issued a formal denial to allegations by Ayatollah Bakhtiar that fugitive graphic novelist Neil Gaiman has been in hiding in the facility , and has requested that the Pan-Islamic congress stand down the Inter-Satellite Ballistic Missiles currently targeted on them .
29 In the middle of the series ' first run this presentation will provide an opportunity to consider how successful FAMILY PRIDE has been in launching onto the region 's and the nation 's screens the UK 's first Asian soap .
30 The hon. Member for Linlithgow is only too well aware of how successful the central institutions have been in working with the expertise in the Scottish Office .
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