Example sentences of "[conj] having [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I considered I had had a sheltered upbringing — perhaps ‘ genteel ’ is nearer the mark — but she came from the world of country weekends , day and night nurseries , nannies , and never having to worry about where next week 's housekeeping money was coming from , or having to do the washing up .
2 The fines , donations of money , packets of crisps , biscuits and home-made cakes , were imposed for ludicrous offences : not having clipped the hedge , or having clipped the hedge ; leaving a gate open ; having , or not having , curtains across the windows .
3 Dr Arnold lauded the Reference team as much as he did his favourite orchestra , who sat down and played his works without any rehearsals or having read the music .
4 From 1988 , candidates will be able to take CGLI examinations on a modular basis , building up credits rather than having to sit the examination for the full certificate at one time .
5 This is possibly more effective than having to reposition the dog repeatedly in the ‘ down ’ position .
6 Paul tells the Ephesians that having heard the word of truth and having believed the good news of salvation , they are ‘ in Christ ’ and have been sealed with the Holy Spirit who was promised long ago ( 1:13 , cf. 2 Cor. 2:21 ) .
7 Er , I understand there was problem because of the computer breakdown which caused a certain record to be lost but then I discover that there is no copy of man manual copy of orders sent to the contractors for repairs kept so that having lost the computer record the council do not know what lights have been reported to contractor for repair and then find out the basic clients
8 We were unaware that having crossed the Webi we were now in Bale .
9 Glasgow South hopes that having proven the professionalism of Sales and Service operation all the blocks will be treated in early 1992 .
10 Relaxing a little , she told herself that having discovered the identity of R , it was not so essential to grill him after all ; but on the other hand , there was still the matter of the concealed photograph to be explained .
11 Ed Wallis , of PowerGen , was the first to openly admit that having paid the piper , he would expect a choice of tune .
12 The investigator also plans to follow up a finding that having perfected the distinction between meaning and message , children may come to view reality in a new way : incoming information can be construed as offering clues about reality , whereas before it was assumed to be reality .
13 Several of the Covenanters , including some of the officers , told Morton that the order of the day had been ‘ No quarter — No prisoners ’ and threatened to kill the prisoner but the powerful blacksmith declared that having spared the man 's life he would defend it with his own .
14 Continuing our top-down approach to discourse , it is logical that having identified the sender and receiver , the discourse type and the parts within it , we should turn our attention to organization within parts of the discourse — however these may have been identified and defined .
15 The final point to make is that having weighed the relevance and reliability of information , we then judge whether the benefits of accounting and reporting outweigh the costs .
16 The Prime Minister also feels that having taken the flak for the longest recession since the war , Mr Lamont is entitled to receive the laurels when the predicted recovery begins .
17 Nigel having made his views clear by letter and having gained the support of the National Association of Water Power Users , no summons was issued .
18 Having fewer children , of course , gives rise to a situation which so many 20th-century parents will understand only too well : that one minute there are young babies in the house needing constant attention , while the next , in the twinkling of an eye it seems , Darby and Joan are staring around an empty house and having to re-learn the art of living with each other all over again .
19 Curiosity got the better of Yanto however , and having vaulted the fence , he made his way over the one hundred and fifty yards of re-claimed field that separated the pub from the riverbank .
20 And having asked the question it now occurred to him that with this woman 's shrewd , sharp eyes upon him , he may be unable to bear the answer .
21 Only in the republics of Central Asia and in Azerbaijan did communist parties , having changed their names to ‘ socialist ’ or ‘ national-democratic ’ parties and having supported the independence and sovereignty of their republics , retain their positions .
22 And having made the mistake a bird seldom gets a second chance , for the startled butterfly takes off , not in the direction the bird might have expected but , apparently , backwards .
23 Having come this far , and having made the effort to come first , I reflected only briefly as the Commandant in front of me , with his four gold bars on his shoulders , signed a piece of paper and said , ‘ I 'm posting you to the 2ème Régiment Étranger de Parachutistes . ’
24 " The following morning the Deputation again visited the School previous to the Scholars being dismissed for the Midsummer Holidays , and having inspected the Book of Entry of the Scholars ' Admissions & c we found that the whole number of 150 had been received into the School — that on the day of examination 141 were present and the remaining 9 absent from suspension or illness and one by death . "
25 By making a positive election the husband avoids the Inspector making a determination under s222(5) ( b ) as to which is the husband 's main residence and avoids the necessity for an appeal and having to claim the benefit of the concession .
26 Then , after alluding to current criticisms of the curriculum , and having asserted the need ‘ to establish generally accepted principles for the composition of the school curriculum for all pupils ’ , the paper continues :
27 And having reached the decision , he felt a strong desire to see the stones again ; to understand their meaning .
28 Earlier two climbers , reported overdue on Ben Nevis , were found safe after losing their way and having to spend the night on a ledge at 4,000 ft .
29 But here again one could argue that things go hand-in-hand : subjects perceived that an increase in a was equivalent to a decrease in k , and having argued the case for σ , the case for k followed automatically .
30 They planned each meeting to last an hour normally , and having gathered the information the team withdrew separately to ask themselves ‘ Why is this a problem now ? ’
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