Example sentences of "[conj] women who [vb base] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It 's already known that women who take the contraceptive pill are much less likely to develop it .
2 Today we see that women who have the right qualities can exercise authority equally with men , but we are also coming to a fresh recognition that Christian leadership should always be seen as service .
3 There is a popular assumption that it is men rather than women who feel the full effects of retirement .
4 But if we create a psychology in this country where to the men and women who earn the crust upon which we depend , our business community , are switched off to the significance of Europe , there 's only one people who 'll suffer and it is us .
5 Like those sad old men and women who haunt every casino , they knew the wheel must always win in the end .
6 The Conservative Party is not looking for experts , but it is looking for men and women who have a good working knowledge of contemporary politics and a proven track record of experience in the party , and who above all know their own minds .
7 Yet the obvious question stands : do the men and women who formulate the policies , make the decisions , and try to implement them really matter so little' ?
8 Finally , it is therefore the more difficult to see how the proposals can have anything to do with genuine industrial democracy , that is to say , with the accountability of the board of directors as a corporate whole to the individual men and women who constitute the workforce and who would have the ultimate power to replace an unsatisfactory board .
9 One view has it that they are the trusted preservers of law and order , men and women who do a difficult job very well and who deserve to be respected and admired throughout the communities which they protect .
10 Accordingly , in Chapter 8 we ‘ open the box ’ again and ask about the bureaucrats , the men and women who do the bargaining .
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