Example sentences of "[conj] made him [vb infin] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It must be his over-sensitive suspicious mind that made him see a relieved relaxing of those muscled shoulders .
2 Around him he began to see the unfolding beauty of early summer in his homeland and it held him still with wonder and made him forget the passing of the days .
3 However , I thought too much excitement was not good for him , so I talked of other things , and made him laugh a little .
4 However , the Canadian who stole the stuff turned up in the middle of the night with a revolver , took all the money my father had , and made him unload the entire cargo .
5 A week later , while he was out jogging , he encountered the Commy old bat who had put the card in the flowers and made him look a fool to Viola .
6 The moment she saw Mungo , Mary Ann fussed and tut-tutted and made him have a bath .
7 Two armed men held a gun to his head and made him drive the bomb to the heart of Westminster after hiring the cab at his office .
8 ‘ — but if Ross had n't twisted Owen 's arm and made him take the money we would n't have been able to afford even a shoe-box .
9 He did not take the sheaf of notes Marshall tendered but made him recite the relevant ones and in that way learned that three people said they had been wearing clothes which were , at least in part , cream-coloured .
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