Example sentences of "[conj] went on [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 With only ninepence in their pockets , they founded an old boys ' association that went on to include a thriving club ( albeit minus clubhouse ) , a sports field and four football teams competing in the Zingari and Old Boys Associations ' leagues .
2 What was the name of the plane that went on to set a world air speed record of six hundred and six and a quarter miles per hour .
3 John Rennie , on two , then survived a sharp chance to Hutton at gully and went on to lead the recovery with a hard-hitting 84 .
4 Partial calm was restored when the prisoners were released during the afternoon , but representatives of the Majlis continued to demand that those responsible for the attack be found and punished , and went on to declare a general mobilization of Crimean Tatars .
5 Four secondees were still struggling to settle-in some six months after their appointment , but most secondees adjusted within three months and went on to enjoy the scope to shape their jobs , to use their expertise and to become part of a team .
6 One of his best friends at both Hollin and Moorclose high schools was Dave Fielding , who later played in a band with Gedge and went on to form the Chameleons .
7 Renbourn emerged from the British folk scene in the sixties and went on to form the acclaimed acoustic group Pentangle , and also released a number of albums with Stefan Grossman following the demise of the band .
8 The main political event of the year to June 1991 was the general election in March , in which the opposition KESK gained the largest number of seats ( 55 out of 200 ) and went on to form the first Finnish government in 25 years which did not include a left-wing party .
9 Johnson , after a moment of being stung at this carelessness , dismissed it as ‘ rather an inconvenience than a loss ’ , and went on to use the incident to defend his views on the second sight .
10 Its head , the urbane Norman Hartnell , designed the Queen 's wedding gown and went on to dress the women of the Royal Family in the finest fabrics .
11 Once the news of the invasion reached New York , the UN Security Council quickly adopted Resolution 660 , condemning Iraq 's action , and went on to vote a further 11 resolutions on related matters by the end of the year .
12 Dr J Majo Cruzate , Advisor , Director General , DG XIII at the Commission of European Communities , after outlined the history of the European Single Market initiative up to Maastricht and ( probably ) beyond , and went on to extol the virtues of creating a single market for IT in Europe , with the European Commission 's roll seen as harmonising standards efforts and funding research .
13 Always in the leading group , McMahon pushed to the front before the last where he was challenged by the favourite Over the Edge , but keeping his mount perfectly balanced and running as straight as a gun barrel , McMahon found something left in the ‘ Tank ’ and went on to score a snug success .
14 He is a small but forceful creature who survived the untimely death of the man who manipulated him so brilliantly and went on to forge an equally close bond with a second partner .
15 The project began with an epistemological comparison of design with science , based on the philosophy of science , and went on to outline the ‘ logic ’ of intuition and creativity .
16 Similarly , the Fourth Lateran Council , in its second decree , condemned the teaching of Joachim of Fiore ( namely that there were four persons in the Trinity ) , as expounded in his book against Peter Lombard , and went on to define the duties of secular rulers and of bishops to fight heresy in their kingdoms and dioceses .
17 The Board ordered that they be received into the vagrants ' ward as a temporary measure , and went on to instruct the medical officer to vaccinate all the other unprotected inmates of the workhouse .
18 He found that K allowed him to ‘ look across the border into other realities ’ , and went on to take the drug every day for 100 days .
19 Carry on collecting all this week and you will have a great souvenir of the season in which Mansell won an amazing NINE Grands Prix , including the first five straight off , and went on to take the world crown for the first time .
20 They will complete your wallchart of the season in which Mansell won an amazing NINE Grands Prix , including the first five straight off , and went on to take the world crown for the first time .
21 However , defending champion Lyons was in top form and went on to take the chequered flag for the second year running .
22 I was n't about to miss the parade , and went on to see the whole event , and photographed it — all the red flags , the guns , the cannons , the missiles , everything , including Black September Group marching .
23 But that was n't the end of it ; they had made up their minds to sample every diversion that Wickhams had to offer , and went on to explore the entire store , from Haberdashery , where Mabel bought some knicker-elastic , to Hardware , where Florrie could not resist a patent vegetable slicer which was being demonstrated by a lady in a snowy white apron , who showed them how the little gadget peeled apples , chipped potatoes , sliced onions and generally made itself invaluable to the busy housewife .
24 THE Border Golfers ' Association , which began with the amalgamation of seven clubs in 1893 and went on to play a major role in the development of the Scottish Golf Union , will launch a season of centenary celebrations at Kelso on Sunday .
25 Bobby Neill , who won a British featherweight title in the 1950s and went on to play a significant role in the development of such top-class boxers as Alan Rudkin and Alan Minter , has said : ‘ … hungry fighters ?
26 In spite of his size , and like many big strikers , Dave was a sensitive fellow and pre-match tension was a real problem for him in his earlier days , but he overcame that worry successfully and went on to make a substantial and positive contribution to Palace 's return to the big-time , before moving to Derby County in a £400,000 deal in the spring of 1980 .
27 In the Cox Report we repeated the first sentence quoted above from Kingman and went on to make the following recommendation :
28 The Canadian Radio Broadcasting Commission , now headed by that great Canadian , Mr Hector Charlesworth , was beset with complaints from Quebec about English being spoken on national network stations in their province , while listeners in the prairies , maritimes and west coast regions cursed the CRBC when the French-Canadian announcers said ‘ Ici Radio Canada … ’ and went on to announce the programme in French .
29 Glasgow gangster Frank Murphy changed his name to Frank Earn and went on to win the Scottish Welterweight Boxing Championship , but he was the exception .
30 Leeds defeated Rangers 2-0 at Elland Road and had a no-scoring draw at Ibrox , and went on to win the competition .
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