Example sentences of "[conj] never [verb] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Why not use those enormous silly grey eyes that never had a wayward or mischievous look in them ?
2 The first was meant to unseat Digital Equipment Corp 's PDP-11 on the glow of the IBM name alone , but was sent naked into the market with no software and became the ultimate dogsbody product , a computing resource for any whim that needed one , a computer without portfolio that never found a central role .
3 Over the years , although never establishing a close friendship with the Profumos , I have had an admiring acquaintance with both of them and am happy to see that their marriage was not ruined by this solitary episode and distressed indeed by its revival from time to time by creatures animated solely by greed .
4 Highly scented soaps are best kept for the bath and body , not your face , and never use a deodorant soap above your neck .
5 His wife definitely was aware of the relationship and never had a good word to say about Mary .
6 The hon. Member for Clackmannan ( Mr. O'Neill ) may smile ; he is probably one of those who encouraged the cynical use of the community charge and never had a good word to say for it .
7 Hannah never married and never had a close relationship , but she had her dreams .
8 ‘ He was a very warm hearted and generous man who was never spiteful and never had a bad word to say about anybody . ’
9 for a bus driver and never made a bloody penny
10 Burgess was lonely and bored , missed his bohemian life in Soho , never attempted to learn Russian , and never became a Russian citizen .
11 Even then Chaplin avoided being too socially specific , for over and above this there was his own never quite fully adult quality and his essential reliance on mime technique and silence which ensured that he remained a fairy-tale symbol and never became a real-life person .
12 I feel exhausted all the time from the sheer hard physical work and never getting a proper break .
13 Other symptoms include chest pain ( commonly left-sided , dull or aching , and unrelated to the degree of physical exertion ; genuine heart pains are usually central , cramp-like , and brought on by exercise ) , headaches ( particularly ‘ tension headache ’ — a band-like pain around the head and back of the neck which begins a few seconds after waking and lasts all day , often accompanied by feelings of depression or despair ) , dizziness or light-headedness ( which comes on when you are sitting still and never heralds a full-blown faint ) , tingling in the fingers or around the mouth ( signifying panic-induced overbreathing ) , and a heightened awareness of bodily processes ( such as blood rushing through your ears , a rumbling tummy , or the thumping of your heart inside your chest ) .
14 For instance , he may have found it impossible to meet his parents ' aspirations for him and never attained a secure relationship with them , or he may have repeatedly been told he was unlovable and incompetent , or he may have experienced actual loss of a parent .
15 Papin did not develop his discovery and never produced a full sized working engine .
16 ‘ The strange thing is that he has always been the soundest of horses and never taken a lame step in his life .
17 He sat as one of the justices of King 's Bench in Easter term 1271 but never became a regular justice of the court .
18 Gold appeared during the prehistoric period in Japan but never made a deep impression on the consciousness of the Japanese .
19 Dorothy reported to a friend that ‘ he reads Italian , Spanish , French , Greek , Latin , and English , but never opens a mathematical book ’ .
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