Example sentences of "[conj] down the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Slide the chord shape up or down the fretboard into various keys and the scale goes with it , so to speak .
2 Tickling in the pit of the throat or down the centre of the chest to the stomach , causes coughing and may be with a congested head and wrenching pains in the right of the chest .
3 But the woods were dank and damp , and every icy , unexpected drip on to her hair or down the back of her neck made her regret having left her umbrella behind long before she reached the tower .
4 Store in a cool , light place in trays , on ropes or down the legs of old stockings .
5 If we start from the raw data values X 1 we can either proceed up the ladder of powers by squaring or cubing each number or down the ladder by taking square roots or reciprocals .
6 Every morning at sunrise and every evening at sunset a flag was run up or down the flagstaff on our roof ; it was the company flag but we thought it was Fa 's .
7 A black and vicious claw burst through the woodwork of the door with an explosive crash that echoed up and down the staircase like thunder .
8 But for the children running up and down the aisles in church or the yobs in leather jackets barging the queue at petrol stations , the elderly are n't so much objects of deference as obstacles to be pushed peremptorily aside .
9 Just before we packed up and got aboard the truck , I piped up and down the beach for a few moments .
10 The overall volume of transport decreases both up and down the beach from this zone .
11 He is ridden up and down the hills at home and , when the weather is reasonable , taken for gallops once or twice a week .
12 We all left , going through the kitchen , out across the courtyard and down the trackway to the church .
13 Prior to the application to Council a research programme financed by the Polytechnic , Wolverhampton based on sample years from the Gloucester port books succeeded in devising a database capable of storing and retrieving information about the voyages of boats passing up and down the Severn through Gloucester and the cargoes they carried .
14 Every Tuesday her fat little fingers flew like birds up and down the keys of the piano .
15 Crouched low to the ground , Zambia fled across the yard and down the alley at the back .
16 It had rained heavily during the night — a sudden downpour which had filled the gutters and drains which supplied the city 's water catchment system — so that when dawn broke it could be seen that many of the drapes and festoons over archways and down the faces of stands and platforms had been torn from the frames by the weight of the water which had soaked them .
17 Dyson lingered , and he and Lewis found still more to say to one another , strolling up and down the cloister of New Buildings .
18 They were both notorious for racing up and down the Strip on their motorbikes or in flash sports cars .
19 ‘ I 'm damned sure it was an attempt to kill Tweed , ’ Kuhlmann told Newman as they again strolled up and down the concourse of the main station .
20 Guiding the plough and following the team up and down the field over the uneven ground was very hard and tiring work .
21 The terms of this description make it absolutely clear that Polygnotos did not adhere to the single ground-line but placed his figures up and down the field with some rudimentary indication of setting ; and a few Athenian vases which must have been painted around the sixties show the same thing .
22 Also , I employed my usual technique of talking a quick walk up and down the field in parallel lines and with my detector switched on .
23 The traditional way of practising scales — up and down the fretboard in two octaves — is great for technique but does n't help much for connecting your ideas all over the fretboard in any given key .
24 IT WAS a scene enacted up and down the country on the last Saturday before polling day .
25 After the cessation of hostilities , there were hundreds of aircrew cooling their heels in airfields up and down the country with nothing much to do .
26 They had had four years ' grind up and down the country with uncomfortable lodgings , often very bad theatres and performing the same limited repertoire week after week , month after month .
27 He 's been travelling up and down the country for over a quarter of a century watching the Clarets and he would n't dream of being anywhere else but on the coach to Brighton on Boxing Day .
28 He left his job as Chairman of Ratners in November and was busy searching up and down the country for another shop .
29 He 's been playing the part in theatres up and down the country for over a year , so he 's had several first nights for this production alone .
30 There will then be all sorts of rumours buzzing through servants ' halls up and down the country to the effect that he has been approached by this or that personage or that several of the highest houses are competing for his services with wildly high wages .
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