Example sentences of "[conj] should [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The mark of the adjudicator is simply that he is called upon to decide what parties in dispute should have done or should do in the circumstances of a particular case .
2 Until comparatively recently there was a general belief or tacit agreement within the community that the later years of life were a time of " all passion spent " — that sex stopped or should stop with the menopause in women and that it continued into later years only in old men who were awarded the epithet " dirty " .
3 That takes us to Joint Planning and the part of the voluntary organisations play or should play in the process .
4 ASB chairman David Tweedie says in the review that the chapter will raise the question of ‘ whether or not financial reporting should move gradually towards a system of valuing assets on a more regular and consistent basis or should revert to a system of pure historical cost ’ .
5 that after to-night I might be of no further use , & should resign with the whole Cabinet .
6 MacDonald said that he ‘ might be of no further use , & should resign with the whole Cabinet ’ ; the night before his interview with the King , Baldwin had gone to Neville Chamberlain 's house in Eaton Square , and ‘ hoped and prayed that he might not have to join a National Government ’ ; even after his interview with the King .
7 Once more , however , that can be handled by a proper definition of the axes ; obviously it is future profitability of incremental investment that should go into the assessment of SBU attractiveness .
8 Siemens Nixdorf 's plan to improve profitability involves a cost-cutting and restructuring programme that should lead to a reduction of some 9,000 jobs by the end of the 1994–95 financial year from 51,600 jobs at September 30 1991 .
9 The Climbers Club guidebook setup has been undergoing changes that should result in a much smoother flow of up to date guides without the huge time-lags that have recently featured between one volume selling out and the next one being published .
10 There is still , too , about the whole exercise , something of the ‘ Polo Syndrome ’ : a sense that , for all the subject reports , and statutory orders , and non-statutory guidance , there is nothing at the centre : no clear vision of the values that should lie at the heart of a national system of education .
11 The other moments I will treasure were the near-perfect serving of Michael Stich in his first Wimbledon final against Boris Becker , which puts a new and totally unexpected name on that historic trophy ; the charmless street-fighter qualities of Monica Seles which nevertheless took her to the number one spot in the world while showing total contempt for most of the accepted standards of behaviour that should belong to a champion ; and finally the conversion of Andre Agassi from teenage rebel to near-establishment idol at Wimbledon , where he appeared in shining white and won the hearts not only of his adoring army of fans , but also of most of the middle-age traditionalists .
12 That is one of the subtleties of the European negotiations that should impinge on the consciousness of Opposition Members .
13 A well cut , classic blazer is an investment in style that should hang in every well-dressed man 's wardrobe .
14 This is a passage that should appeal to the more adventurous .
15 In America 's case that should amount to the same thing .
16 There are without doubt residents in higher value properties who lack the funds to meet the more realistic charges that should apply to the F to H bands , but this should not mean that those with adequate funds should escape paying their fair share of the local tax burden .
17 For many weeks prior to the first of February we attempted to get a district council , a Labour council to agree that should apply in the case .
18 But Familymakers believes with proper emotional support most of them could and should settle into a new family .
19 Is he further aware that he carries the good wishes of the party behind him in the difficult few months to come and should go to the talks in great confidence , knowing of the great contribution that this country has made to Europe since the days of William Pitt ?
20 A detailed breakdown of the range and depth of experience is not attempted here , and should arise from the various questionnaires currently being circulated [ … ? ] .
21 He 's at Baden Baden today and should remain on the winning trail .
22 He 's at Baden Baden today and should remain on the winning trail .
23 The freeing of economic forces to operate , it was believed , would produce developments which spelled the death of slavery and should lead to a prosperous , morally appropriate and stable order .
24 The system will be used in an internal pilot project in Informix 's US and UK offices and should lead to a major deal across the US if all goes well .
25 Establishment of an Independent Review Body containing both lay and lawyer members — this popular recommendation is long overdue and should lead to a more independent and searching investigation of alleged miscarriages of justice .
26 What type of jobs exist and should exist in the housing field ? direct labour ? sub-contractors should the Housing Executive employ local firms to do work in West Belfast ? does the Housing Executive 's tendering policy fairly treat the local labour force ?
27 Farmers ' representatives have attacked the move , arguing that it would cut crop yields , but environmentalists argue that it is insufficient , and should extend to an 80 per cent cut .
28 The tails should fold round the returns at the corners of the pelmet board and should extend round the front to at least cover the pinned pleats of the swag .
29 Calls cost 36p per minute cheap rate , 48p at all other times , and should cost around the same as a first-class stamp .
30 Calls cost 36p per minute cheap rate , 48p at all other times and should cost around the same as a first class postcard .
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