Example sentences of "[conj] now the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Several times she has wandered out into the street while Mrs Smith was asleep , although now the front door is kept double-locked at night to prevent this from happening .
2 But the new approach , with Ciaran Fitzgerald keeping in close touch with his London Irish contacts , with the brothers John and Barry O'Driscoll in Manchester and with Feidhlim McLoughlin in Newcastle , means that now the Irish net is being widely cast .
3 Moreover , physical contact , if it proceeds at all , will almost inevitably reach the point of physical stimulation of their sexual parts , so that now the reflex component also comes into play .
4 This was the same evening on which Johnson wryly said that now the Hanoverian King had given him a pension , he could hardly drink Stuart health with the wine thus bought .
5 Chairman of ITV Sport Greg Dyke said that now the new league may not become the major force it could have been .
6 Effectively , it boiled down to a continuation in a certain sense of the original situation , except that now the primal father exercised his authority not in the social group , but within the ego — he became a psychological agency instead of being a physical reality .
7 Parliament , recognising the danger — perhaps more to respect for the law than to press freedom — changed the law , so that now the very fact of a conviction is deemed to be conclusive evidence of its correctness .
8 And now the Premier League beckons .
9 And now the great blade spun to a whine , while the black curtain fell away from the window , directing a blinding beam on to the bright , hungry teeth .
10 He had been apprehensive but had gone along with her idea all the same and now the small room was a regular haunt of the local foremen and managers , as well as a meeting-place for the trade union officials who held impromptu meetings over mugs of steaming hot tea and bacon sandwiches .
11 In a speech to the Romanian Communist Party Congress earlier this week , he attacked the Stalin-Hitler pact of 1939 that carved up Poland and the Baltic states between them , but also ceded Bessarabia — then part of Romania and now the Soviet Republic of Moldavia — to Moscow .
12 Gradually , however , they had all been infected by Yussuf 's low spirits and now the orderly room was an oasis of gloom .
13 The texture of the sounds , the little ant-bear funnels , the twittering of the water sprinklers , the unnamed but instantly familiar birds , the patient devotions of the gardeners , the numberless frogs ( now in caviare-eyed repose on water lilies and ledges ) , the huge , lazy tadpoles , the dragonflies on their biplane wings skimming the water , the busy red ants returning with baguettes of grass ( the same ants which used to run up the shorts of children and sink their vicious fangs into unwary little scrota ) and now the distant thwack of tennis bails and the inevitable muted cries of anguish — all these impressions play so strongly on my memory because they leap thirty-five years of my life in one bound .
14 ‘ I should think you might be ready at six-thirty , ’ and now the quizzical eye was cocked at Sally-Anne .
15 Ayesha reintroduces the central figure reborn from the apparent death at the end of She and now the sole survivor of the cult of Isis , living in a volcanic mountain fortress , this time in Tibet , and with some difficulty holding her power against a wild tribe in the valley , partly consisting of survivors from Alexander 's army , under the control of Queen Atene , who proves to be a reincarnation of the Egyptian princess , Amenartas , beloved of Kallikrates .
16 She had tried to help Carolyn , and now the bloody girl was acting as if Clare was a bossy teacher .
17 This had become her world , this boat with Fen , and now the energising force had been withdrawn , leaving her in a limbo of despair .
18 So it should happen that Mr Kirkley was at home when the guests arrived and was able to add to his surprise and not a little amazement when his daughter 's friend was delivered at his door by Raggie Aggie , for Aggie had long been a known character , she and her hand-cart , and now the pony-driven flat-cart ; and of course the fact that she was almost as broad as it was .
19 An ivory ban was supported by the EEC , the USA , Japan and Hong Kong midway through 1989 and now the African elephant has been placed on the CITES Appendix 1 list .
20 The row over Digital Equipment Corp 's decision to end manufacturing in Galway and try to find a new tenant to take over the manufacturing plant — which DEC owns , will not die down , and now the European Commission is to investigate Irish allegations that the UK government lured DEC into keeping its Ayr plant open at the expense of Galway : Commerce & Technology Minister Seamus Brennan , in Brussels for a meeting of European Community industry ministers , said Dublin had asked Competition Commissioner Karel van Miert to probe media reports that DEC had been offered inducements to keep the Ayr plant open — but no-one seems to have said just what these alleged inducements are ; the UK government on Friday denied the allegations , saying any assistance it might or might not have given would have been fully in accordance with Community rules , and invited Community auditors to ‘ come and look at the books any time ’ .
21 Because of the raging personal computer price war , the European market started to expand strongly in 1992 and now the Japanese market , despite its general economic sluggishness , is also expanding .
22 The last of the swallows had gone long ago and now the black outline of rooks could be seen flying around the ploughed fields looking for grubs .
23 At Montmartre , I was disappointed by the Sacré Cœur , and I dared , privately , to categorise it as vulgar ; but , of course , I was quite unused to Second Empire Romanesque , and knew only the filigree stonework of English Gothic , and now the glorious tracery and the flying buttresses of Nôtre Dame .
24 Years later it was divided into three houses to accommodate a growing family , and now the middle house and its crumbling neighbours belonged to Smallfry and Buddie .
25 The content and the form of the advertisement have been dealt with , and now the key point is to get the message over to the customers .
26 Jacquie , who can be contacted on 0483 301831 for information — or for a fundraising pack that could be used by clubs , pubs and organisations — told the Herald : ‘ Politics and now the general election have tended to dominate newspapers for a long time , squeezing out reports on stories about Africa — good as well as bad .
27 This was amended to $100bn in a 1987 revision of the law , and now the Congressional Budget Office , which keeps track of such things , tells us that this too will be overshot , resulting in a deficit estimated at $117.8bn .
28 There ar there is er an excessive proliferation of European bodies with the European parliament and now the new committee of the regions and then you also have the economic and social committee .
29 Well , we recently reviewed a couple of power attenuators by Palmer , and now the American company PS Systems have launched a product to help you run an amp flat out , but at a volume that wo n't offend even the most sensitive ears .
30 But the margin of retreat for the French had become very narrow indeed , and now the full weight of the Germans in the West could be thrown against Pétain 's men on the Right Bank of the Meuse .
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