Example sentences of "[conj] more [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Treasury and Civil Service Committee ( Second Report , 1987–8 ) recommendation that departmental reports should give information about the costs of major publicity and advertising is to apply for departments who spend £½ million or more a year on paid UK publicity .
2 We will aim to guarantee everyone out of work for six months or more a place on either a high quality training programme or on a work programme with a strong element of training .
3 The number of visits was much greater : 11 per cent had 300 or more — almost one a day , 33 per cent between 100 and 300 — two or more a week on average , 19 per cent 50 — 99 , between one and two a week , 4 per cent 20–49 — between one a fortnight and one a week , 14 per cent 10–19 — less than one a fortnight , 12 per cent had less than 10 or less than one a month .
4 That view is reinforced by the Newsons , who say : ‘ The measures that stand out as the most predictive of criminal record before 20 years are having been smacked or beaten once or more a week at 11 , and having a mother with a high commitment to formal physical punishment at that age . ’
5 In some areas the birth of a child might add a shilling or more a week to the wage , leading to some pessimistic projections of runaway demographic increase , notably by followers of Thomas Malthus whose " Essay on Population " of 1798 was the most important ideological underpinning for the views of those who were beginning to urge a much harsher attitude towards the poor as the cost of their relief surged .
6 It was made clear in a further policy statement that in those cases where the tariff was 20 years or more the reference to the local review committee would be made after 17 years had been served , though a warning was given that this did not imply that any particular period had been set for the prisoner 's tariff .
7 The 1922 committee is almost certain to raise to 20 or more the number of MPs needed to sponsor a challenger in future .
8 Because of the small number of women completing 24 cycles or more the suggestion in our data that both groups will eventually have the same pregnancy rate , must be interpreted with caution .
9 I fell into one of those drooly , head-lolling dozes that seem to be more and more a feature of my advancing years .
10 There ( right ) they joined together with other pilgrims in what is becoming more and more a feature of Catholic life once again in England .
11 The bus came and they boarded it , but to Erika it seemed less like the familiar old lumbering , lurching , yellow Berlin bus , and more a vehicle of romance , gliding through a night made mysterious by more than fog .
12 These will increase in efficiency , and with strong belief in hard work and more education , and with the organisation and money provided by Japan , and helped by cheaper labour , will be more and more a threat to all Western economies .
13 But maybe he thinks Hollywood is less the big break he needs and more a kind of career prat fall .
14 They have been responsible locally , particularly in areas of the highest deprivation , and they are paying surcharges to local councils of £20 , £50 , £70 and more a year for those who can not pay the poll tax .
15 However , as the medical picture became more clear , there became more and more a sense of underlying tension , with heroic care being delivered by people possessing the knowledge that it was n't going to work .
16 Though all three sides of the new diplomatic ‘ triangle ’ are interconnected , all too often , states find less connectivity and more a sense of contradictory pulls among the imperatives of choices that can not be avoided , as figure 2.1 illustrates .
17 In addition to the factors already discussed , the main stimulus to employers ' organisation in a number of countries appears to have been less that of a counter to growing union power , or an attempt to achieve market or labour force regulation , and more a response to what was perceived as a threat to common employer interests arising from increasing state intervention .
18 Under the watchful eye of the provodnitsy — the female ticket-collectors , tea dispensers and mother hens — you feel less a stranger on a train and more a member of an extended family , sharing food , drink and gossip — even if you ca n't understand a word of Russian .
19 ‘ And I am still your maid , ’ McAllister had said gaily to him , but , of course , she was now less and less of a maid and more a member of the family , working side by side with Matey in cheerful equality , living and playing with them in the evening , and when Dr Neil spoke of the wedding day again she said that she must write to her uncle at least , before anything could be arranged , and let him think that she had done so .
20 The plan of the book is related to its overall purpose of demystifying research , making it more accessible and more a part of everyday work and decision making .
21 Internationalization is the notion that each country 's economy has become less self-contained and more a part of a global process of production and change .
22 As the Quality Improvement Process becomes more and more a part of C&P 's culture , quality education will naturally become more integrated with the mainstream training programmes at all levels .
23 ‘ Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe . ’
24 How can we possibly retain that self-reliance and confidence if we become more and more a nation of programmed consumers , stuffed with the produce of an automated technology over which we feel we can have little influence ?
25 Here is seen less of the Baltic brick approach and more a derivation of French and English design .
26 By 1880 this was more and more a matter of Great Russian chauvinism within the boundaries of the Russian Empire , and tsarist imperialism abroad , but it had great sentimental appeal among Slavs living under non-Slav rulers who were encouraged by it to look to this ‘ big brother ’ .
27 However , the cost differential is rapidly diminishing , and as some of these benefits can be obtained simply by the addition of a micro-computer to a spectrophotometer , the choice between spectrophotometer and interferometer is becoming more and more a matter for the individual spectroscopist .
28 At the secondary-school stage it becomes less a partnership between all three and more a matter for the individual student and his or her advisers , whether from inside the school or outside .
29 But whereas rap music is still very much a street-level phenomenon , jazz has become more and more a domain of the white middle classes .
30 This is because in Canada the view that rape is less a crime of sex and more a crime of violence has been pursued with particular fervour .
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